domestication of wheat

Genome 45:706718, Faris JD, Fellers JP, Brooks SA, Gill BS (2003) A bacterial artificial chromosome contig spanning the major domestication locus Q in wheat and identification of a candidate gene. Wheat with this mutation was harvested more . A 2000 year old party hall belonging to a Roman Knight discovered in Italy, Medieval gatehouse in England provides new insights into the English Civil War, Archaeologists believe Vikings brought horses and dogs to Britain, Remains of a 5,000 year old ancient dining hall unearthed in Iraq, 3500 year old bone ice skates found in China, Ancient objects discovered in Lefkada to be exhibited in a new museum, Nail hole in the skull of a woman buried face down in the 3rd century BC, Some of the earliest stone tools used by our ancestors were found in Kenya. Wheat was domesticated at least 12,000 years ago from an ancestor known as emmer, which is a predominantly self-pollinating, winter annual grass of the Poaceae family and Triticeae tribe. 2009;513:321-44. doi: 10.1007/978-1-59745-427-8_17. Dr. Patrick Byrne shows the diverse growth habits of wheats D-genome progenitor, Aegilops tauschii, and discusses the processes used to cross Ae. Science 278:13121314, Hillman G, Davies S (1990) Measured domestication rates in wild wheats and barley under primitive cultivation, and their archaeological implications. These lines can be grown and evaluated like normal wheat in hopes of finding improvements in qualitative or quantitative traits due to the inserted synthetic hexaploid segments. CABI Publishing CAB International, Wallingford, pp 287315, Nevo E (2007) Evolution of wild wheat and barley and crop improvement: studies at the Institute of Evolution. Isr J Plant Sci 55:251263, Nevo E (2009) Ecological genomics of natural plant populations: the Israeli perspective. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14228-4_10, Nevo E, Beiles A (1989) Genetic diversity of wild emmer wheat in Israel and Turkey: structure, evolution and application in breeding. About 10,000 years ago, T. aestivumderived from a cross between domesticated emmer (Triticum dicoccum) and the goat grass Aegilops tauschii. Crop Sci 43:14931505, Cao W, Scoles GJ, Hucl P (1997) The genetics of rachis fragility and glume tenacity in semi-wild wheat. One possible way that might have occurred is that farmers harvested wheat after it was ripe, but before it self-dispersed, thereby collecting only the wheat that was still attached to the plant. Wheat, in sparse and semi-isolated lands; It grows best in regions where summers are long, hot and dry and winters are short and mild with varying precipitation. GENESPACE tracks regions of interest and gene copy number variation across multiple genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100:62636268, Zohary D, Hopf M (2000) Domestication of plants in the old world. Mol Ecol 11:24532465, Li YC, Fahima T, Rder MS, Kirzhner VM, Beiles A, Korol AB, Nevo E (2003) Genetic effects on microsatellite diversity in wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) at the Yehudiyya microsite, Israel. Reynolds M, Dreccer F, Trethowan R. 2007. XDA05130403, the 973 National Key Basic Research Program Grant No. Emmer grows in diverse habitats from 100 m (330 ft) below sea level to 1700 m (5,500 ft) above, and can survive on between 2001,300 mm (7.866 in) of annual precipitation. Lopes MS, Reynolds MP. Springer, Berlin, pp 407456. Germplasm released by the Centerincludes breeding lines for disease and insect resistance, bread making quality, and other traits. tauschii), domestication syndrome factors and other relevant genes could be isolated, and effects of wheat domestication could be determined. Euphytica 164:603614, Yan L, Loukoianov A, Tranquilli G, Helguera M, Fahima T, Dubcovsky J (2003) Positional cloning of the wheat vernalization gene VRN1. Trends Genet 19:59, Heun M, Schfer-Pregl R, Klawan D, Castagna R, Accerbi M, Borghi B, Salamini F (1997) Site of einkorn wheat domestication identified by DNA fingerprinting. 2022 Jul 29;13:898769. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.898769. Domestication of plants and animals is the major factor underlying human civilization and is a gigantic evolutionary experiment of adaptation and speciation, generating incipient species. tauschii or wild tetraploid accessions to hexaploid wheat, as explained in Ogbonnaya et al. The sediments were laid down about 8,000 years ago, several centuries earlier than the European LBK sites. Genetics 48:469482, Nalam V, Vales MI, Watson CJW, Kianian SF, Riera-Lizarazu O (2006) Map based analysis of genes affecting the brittle rachis character in tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum). Genetics 178:539-551. Science 345:1250092. Winter-habit synthetic hexaploid lines from CIMMYT growing in Fort Collins, Colorado. The culture generally associated with the introduction of wheat and other crops from Asia to Europe is generally the Lindearbandkeramik (LBK) culture, which may have been made up of part immigrant farmers and part local hunter-gatherers adapting new technologies. Chapman EA, Thomsen HC, Tulloch S, Correia PMP, Luo G, Najafi J, DeHaan LR, Crews TE, Olsson L, Lundquist PO, Westerbergh A, Pedas PR, Knudsen S, Palmgren M. Front Plant Sci. Crop Sci 39:17281732, Sharma H, Waynes J (1980) Inheritance of tough rachis in crosses of Triticum monococcum and Triticum boeoticum. Wheat was one of the first crops to be domesticated more than 10,000 years ago in the Middle East. Google Scholar, Faris JD, Simons KJ, Zhang Z, Gill B (2005) The wheat super domestication gene Q. 2014. Science 316:18621866, Dunford RP, Griffiths S, Christodoulou V, Laurie DA (2005) Characterisation of a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) homologue of the Arabidopsis flowering time regulator GIGANTEA. Other traits apparently selected for include spike size, growing season, plant height, and grain size. China is a major producer of grains such as wheat, corn, and rice. It was a key event in the agricultural revolution that occurred about 10,000 years . Plant Breeding Reviews 37:35-122. Co-evolution of methods and thoughts in cereal domestication studies: a tale of barley (Hordeum vulgare). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:81338138, Inda LA, Segarra-Moragues Jos Gabriel, Mller Jochen, Peterson Paul M, Cataln Pilar (2008) Dated historical biogeography of the temperate LoHinae (Poaceae, Pooideae) grasses in the northern and southern hemispheres. Nowadays, we continue to produce domestic wheat. FOIA 2017 Jul 7;357(6346):93-97. doi: 10.1126/science.aan0032. (2014) to the conclusion that the D genome originated from a hybridization between the A and B genome donors about 5.5 million years ago. Through access to collections of wild relatives, wheat scientists have helped overcome that bottleneck. Erschliessung Palstinas 78:213220, Akhunov ED, Akhunova AR, Anderson OD, Anderson JA, Blake N, Clegg MT, Coleman-Derr D, Conley EJ, Crossman CC, Deal KR, Dubcovsky J, Gill BS, Gu YQ, Hadam J, Heo H, Huo N, Lazo GR, Luo MC, Ma YQ, Matthews DE, McGuire PE, Morrell PL, Qualset CO, Renfro J, Tabanao D, Talbert LE, Tian C, Toleno DM, Warburton ML, You FM, Zhang W, Dvorak J (2010) Nucleotide diversity maps reveal variation in diversity among wheat genomes and chromosomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:86418648, Rossini L, Vecchietti A, Nicoloso, Stein N, Franzago S, Salamini F, Pozzi C (2006) Candidate genes for barley mutants involved in plant architecture: an in silico approach. CIMMYTs use of synthetic hexaploid wheat in breeding for adaptation to rainfed environments globally. Theor Appl Genet 77:421455, Nevo E, Chen G (2010) Drought and salt tolerances in wild relatives for wheat and barley improvement. PMC Domestication of these crops from their wild ancestors required the evolution of traits useful to humans Common wheat is a hexaploid species with three sets of similar but distinct chromosomes. In: Chrispeels MJ, Gepts P (editors). Theor Appl Genet 109:17101717, McFadden ES, Sears ER (1946) The origin of Triticum spelta and its free-threshing hexaploid relatives. Avni R, Nave M, Barad O, Baruch K, Twardziok SO, Gundlach H, Hale I, Mascher M, Spannagl M, Wiebe K, Jordan KW, Golan G, Deek J, Ben-Zvi B, Ben-Zvi G, Himmelbach A, MacLachlan RP, Sharpe AG, Fritz A, Ben-David R, Budak H, Fahima T, Korol A, Faris JD, Hernandez A, Mikel MA, Levy AA, Steffenson B, Maccaferri M, Tuberosa R, Cattivelli L, Faccioli P, Ceriotti A, Kashkush K, Pourkheirandish M, Komatsuda T, Eilam T, Sela H, Sharon A, Ohad N, Chamovitz DA, Mayer KFX, Stein N, Ronen G, Peleg Z, Pozniak CJ, Akhunov ED, Distelfeld A. tauschii (DD), but using a much broader range of Ae. 37:81-89; 107-116. Wheat is primarily a cool season crop, but is broadly adapted to many types of growing conditions, both irrigated and rainfed, and is especially important as a staple crop in semi-arid conditions. Evolving from an ancestral plant called emmer that still exists today, domestication of wheat was at least 12,000 years ago. Genet Res Crop Evol 45:2125, Cockram J, Jones H, Leigh FJ, OSullivan D, Powell W, Laurie DA, Greenland AJ (2007) Control of flowering time in temperate cereals: genes, domestication, and sustainable productivity. Wheat is one of the most important grain crops in the world, and consists mainly of two types: the hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) accounting for about 95% of world wheat production, and the tetraploid durum wheat (T. durum) accounting for the other 5%. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Euphytica 115:121126, Ross-Ibarra J, Morrell PL, Gaut BS (2007) Plant domestication, a unique opportunity to identify the genetic basis of adaptation. Wheat domestication involves a limited number of chromosome regions, or domestication syndrome factors, though many relevant quantitative trait loci have been detected. Bread and durum wheat are both domesticated forms of wild emmer wheat. A creative strategy for addressing the impoverished D genome diversity of common wheat is the development of synthetic hexaploid wheats (McFadden and Sears, 1946; Trethowan and Mujeeb-Kazi, 2008; Ogbonnaya et al., 2013). Plants, Genes & Agriculture: Sustainability through Biotechnology. Soil Sci Plant Nutr 50:10471054, Campbell B, Baenziger PS, Gill KS, Eskridge KM, Budak H, Erayman M, Dweikat I, Yen Y (2003) Identification of QTLs and environmental interactions associated with agronomic traits on chromosome 3A of wheat. Plant Physiology 161:18061819. 1995. 2021 Jun 2;2(2):156-169. doi: 10.1007/s42994-021-00039-0. (2008). The domestication of wheat was instrumental in the transition of human behavior from hunter-gatherers to farmers. K. Kris Hirst is an archaeologist with 30 years of field experience. Czech J Genet Plant Breed (in press), Elias EM, Steiger KD, Cantrell RG (1996) Evaluation of lines derived from wild emmer chromosome substitutions II. Turk J Agric Forest 27:5969, CAS Science 312:13921396, Korol A, Mester D, Frenkel Z, Ronin Y (2009) Methods of genetic analysis in the Triticeae. Isr J Plant Sci 55:307313, Feuillet C, Muehlbauer GJ (2009) Genetics and genomics of the Triticeae, plant genetics and genomics: crops and models 7. Plant Breed 122:489492, Kellogg EA (2001) Evolutionary history of the grasses. The hybridization that led to common wheat is believed to have involved a very limited number of Ae. Domestication of allotetraploid wheat took place ~ 10,500 years ago and was followed by a second round of intergeneric hybridization chromosome doubling between domesticated allotetraploid wheat . "Wheat Domestication." Your access to this service has been limited. ThoughtCo. government site. BMC Genomics 11:727, Chen QF, Yen C, Yang JL (1998) Chromosome location of the gene for brittle rachis in the Tibetan weedrace of common wheat. Proceedings of the Harlan symposium. 1992). We use cookies so that we can give you the best experience on our website. The domestication of wheat was instrumental in the transition of human behavior from hunter-gatherers to farmers. Genetics 164:311321, PubMed 2008. Theor Appl Genet 119:341351, Spielmeyer W, Richards RA (2004) Comparative mapping of wheat chromosome 1AS which contains the tiller inhibition gene (tin) with rice chromosome 5S. These chromosome sets are designated the A, B, and D genomes, each with seven pairs of chromosomes. Ann Bot 100:903924, Fuller DQ, Allaby RG, Stevens C (2010) Domestication as innovation: the entanglement of techniques, technology and chance in the domestication of cereal crops. Aegilops tauschii, and grain size selected for include spike size, growing season, plant height, discusses! More than 10,000 years ago in the old world of tough rachis in crosses Triticum! 357 ( 6346 ):93-97. doi: 10.1126/science.aan0032, Nevo E ( 2009 ) Ecological genomics of plant! Effects of wheat was one of the first crops to be domesticated more than 10,000 years genes... Hexaploid wheat, corn, and grain size at least 12,000 years ago T.. 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