. The Premier shared with us that many of them are not aware of certain historic facts, because the land cannot be shared with subjects, but Moorish descendants of this land based on our Moorish proclamations, inherited birthrights and other materials not mentioned in this lesson. This is why the Premier is adamant about being industrious. Have a deeper appreciation for womanhood. Control and supervise all the affairs and properties of the Moorish Science Temple of America 2. When you read Masonic materials you will study how the Moorish history entered the fraternity by way of the knights Temple. Kirkman Bey found in Chicago and Des Plaines. John Givens-El was the Prophet Drew Ali chauffeur; Bro. Responsible for sub-assemblies of D.C., and A.C motors, gear train . The Prophet and his forerunner, the Honorable Marcus Garvey manifested economics. The fraternities mentioned above are our friends. C. Kirkman Beys ship was tied up at the dock, the Cuban army was standing on the dock, and Bro. The Mysteries of the Silent Brotherhood of the East. Charles Mosley Bey was kicked out of The Moorish Science Temple of America by Prophet Drew Ali; C. M. Bey was never made and Adept nor did he never held any official position within the Temple other than Member.. Elijah Pool Bey AKA Elijah Muhammad (Read the autobiography of Malcolm X) advocated economics. G. Cook-Bey, G.S. Not Shriners because they have an adopted rite. He served in this position until his passing in 1959. and the Moorish Science Temple of America in Louisville, KY [source: Part 2 FBI File: 62-25889: Section 5. All Member has access to the MSTA-1928/Members Only Private Group-site which is our online communication hub to keep Members informed of upcoming community events, lessons, download passed recording of Holyday services and Sunday school, post questions, get involved in discussions, interact with other members, access to forms, eBooks and much more. [4][5] Mealy El stated that he had been declared Drew Ali's successor by the Prophet himself. Blacks Law Dictionary 2nd edition, The descendant of Hagar, inheritor Ottoman Empire and founder of the holy city of Mecca and Saudi Arabia. Our Moorish Community cannot nor will not flourish on a mere .50cents to $10 a month dues as other Moorish Temples would have their Members pay; how ridiculous and disrespectful to place such a minute value on something that is priceless. He will acquire the honour while others receive it: and will he not say unto them, such were the men whom you glory in being derived from? I comprehend and inner-stand your frustrations, Pan American Conference Havana Cuba 1928 International Law, YOU DO WHAT I TELL YOU, NEVER MIND WHAT THEY SAY, I HAVE GIVEN YOU LAW, KORAN, AND CONSTITUTION, AND I EXPECT YOU TO ENFORCE MY LAW, AND DO WHAT I SAY, NEVER MIND WHAT THEY SAY OR DO. Bey and the Premier MUST always remember that we are Clock of Destiny Representative and our purpose is recoded in our materials and reiterated at meetings and on conference calls. Clock of Destiny members must live and set examples of nobility, service with economics. If there are no Temples within your immediate area you are expected to visit any of our Temples or Study Groups within (12) months of your active Membership; it is important that You See Us and We See You. [2], By then, Mealy El only retained leadership over Temple No. In order that those unfortunate so-called Negro Initiated Masons and Eastern Stars could have the golden opportunity to enroll in the Clock of Destiny School to obtain more wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the Great Seal Secret of our Supreme Law and science of 360 degrees of Masonry, from which shall enable them to become truly free Moorish Americans, Master Masons and Eastern Stars for their first time in history since 1776-1789. There was a European man, his wife, and daughter there. Diamond and gold, yachts and jet planes were our toys. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. This listhas continued to grow over the years; it is our duty to inform anyone who is seeking to join the MSTA about anyone who is not a true Moorish America. Ask to see original documents dated during the time of Prophet Drew Ali, ask for the lineage of the present National leader in seeing if it is traced directly back to Prophet Drew Ali. Latin the native language of the Moors was used throughout the program. Glory, like a shadow, flieth him who pursueth it; but it followeth at the heels of him who would fly from it: if thou courtest it without merit, thou shalt never attain unto it; if thou deservest it, though thou hidest thyself, it will never forsake thee. Yes, it is my responsibility to teach the lessons of C.M. Story, Bailm. We hold to strict adherence's to Prophet Drew Ali Laws and will point out the enemies of Truth who speak against the Prophet and his teachings. The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928 ONLY provides Membership forms to people who are presently incarcerated, there are no such Membership forms that are presented. There are many moors that received the package that the Premier received from the Late Dumas Bey at the table. Though it was done illegally, he is responsible for separating himself from the Prophet and the Supreme Grand Body. He abruptly stopped the meeting and asked: Who of you here believes what this man is teaching?; as the man, the Prophet was referring to was C. M. Bey. Beys saying. Or wouldst thou that they should say, Why is this?. The 1934 Moorish group is under adifferentset of rules andregulations not establishedby Prophet Drew Ali by having a State Charter under a 501C3 status. We MUST learn to put our egos to the side and always determine our movements based on the success we desire for our next generation on an economic, social and political level. They give simple lip services to something they are not part of nor understand. Please read through our entire website; compare our information to other Moorish sites; remember You MUST make the call on the day and time you selected. C. Kirkman-Bey addressed the conference in both Spanish and Arabic, and when the Secretary of State of the United State. In the breast of the traitor, ambition is covered: hypocrisy hideth its face under her mantle; cool dissimulation furnisheth with smooth words; but in the end men shall see what it is. Be obligated (Married) this is a requirement instituted by Prophet Drew Ali. Also every member of the Clock of Destiny should be devising ways to apply one or two of the above economic ideas in their state/ and Country. THEY CAN DO NOTHING BUT DIE. Noble Drew Ali, In the law of real property parcel signifies a part or portion of land. All Temples MUST! Why are we divided today? was the Prophet Drew Ali chauffeur; Bro. Remember its not what you claim but what you claim is claiming you back. Every black Masonic Order is not recognized because of the term Clan-destine. All are not called to the guiding of the helm of state; neither are their armies to be commanded by every one: do well in that which is committed to thy charge, and praise shall remain upon thee. The exact cause of his death is still debated, but his followers believed that he would be reincarnated. All candidates are subject to a background check: Based on the offense will determine. Once we receive your submission you will receive an email confirmation of the date and time you have chosen. We are Moorish-American Moslems that foster the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. She said that one cold night that she took Bro. For those Moorish Americans that are aware of such history we MUST NOT put on the people of the world what some of these blacks are doing to one another, but we must continue to read. (Emeritus) of Temple One said that Prophet Noble Drew Ali showed us the mandate in the Adept Chamber. The Official Website of the Moorish Science Temple of America PAST SUPREME GRAND ADVISORS AND MODERATORS BROTHER C. KIRKMAN-BEY During a visit to one of the Temples when the Prophet spoke he introduced a young brother as his interpreter who spoke many languages. To buttress Kirkman Bey's evangelical efforts, Mo-hammed Bey traveled to Mississippi and other Southern states, but failed to form a MSTA temple.10 In 1934, Bey was incarcerated for four months in Cairo, Illinois, for teaching Islamism. Warner-Bey had written a letter to the bureau of prisons stating that the Moors didn't practice Ramadan, or wear kufis. Bro. We are very sure you would have a few choice words for them; why is it not the same when it comes to someone knowing about their spirituality and nationality according to the founder of The Moorish Science Temple of America? Pursue that which is honourable, do that which is right, and the applause of thine own conscience will be more joy to thee than the shouts of millions who know not that thou deservest them. Willie Bey headquarters 3810 Wabash Ave, Chicago Ill and Bro. This very capable young brother traveled with him to foreign lands to assist him. All Member is to live an upright, spiritual and moral way life. Also look at the University of London, Cambridge University and the Oxford University. Do Your Research never be afraid to ask questions. Bro. C. Kirkman Bey's wife surmised that her husband was detained in Johnson's apartment, and directed the police thither. 19962023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Below is a form to set up an inquiry call; we ask that you first read our website completely before setting up an inquiry call about membership we placed enoughinformation in order to address basic questions. Col. C Kirkman Bey was 47 years old when World War II: Nagasaki is devastated when an atomic bomb, Fat Man, is dropped by the United States B-29 Bockscar. Fine nobility resideth not but in the Soul; nor is true honour except in goodness. Toggle sidebar 1. In response, some of them turned Noble Drew Ali's documents over to Charles Kirkman Bey, thus strengthening his legitimacy as Noble Drew Ali's successor.[2][11]. These By-Laws are also in the same package mentioned above. Please note that there are other departments for consideration but at this time the above takes precedence. Shaykh Ra Saadi El list ofaccomplishments surpasses his tenure within The Moorish Science Temple of America. Kirkman & Conway, Inc. 1300 Piccard Drive, Suite LL4 Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: (301) 670-0500 Fax: (301) 921-9275 Email Us Our Moorish forefathers ruled the world and the seven seas. M.S,. He is noted for being language interpreter for Noble Drew Ali during the Pan-American Conference held in Cuba in 1929. He is Headquartered in Chicago Ill with no noted accomplishments nor any record of his appointment. In addition, those moors that are in possession of the package if you look for the page with C.M. All offense under age 16 is disregarded. John Givens-El spent much time with the Prophet on the long drive across the country as the Prophet did travel regularly in establishing and checking up of Temple across the country. is the present National leader of The Moorish Science Temple of America.Inc; which is headquartered in Washington D.C. referred to as the 1934 group. Kirkman-Bey speak, he said, Thats a dangerous man. Up to that period of time, the United States received a 50 year mandate for this land. Shortly thereafter he embraced the teachings of Noble Drew Ali and joined the Moorish Movement. Noble Drew Ali's death and succession controversy, "Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World", "The Sheiks of Sedition: Father Prophet Mohammed Bey, Mother Jesus Rosie Bey and Kansas City's Moors (1933-1945)", "Federation: Moorish Science Temple of America", "A Pure Moorish Islamic Community to Inform, Educate & Uplift", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=E._Mealy_El&oldid=1140445482, Members of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 February 2023, at 02:56. After a brief period in the temple, he was initiated into its Adept Chambers. The Popes kissed the feet of Moors (Moorish Empire). We based our Membership dues at a cost which is quite minimal based upon todays economy. Compare what we have to other Moorish Groups; we encourage you to visit Moorish Science Temples meet with the leadership and membership. C.M. I brought you your nationality, your religion, and title to your vast estate. ro. We as Moors have always subscribed to being a Noble of Moorish descent. 742; Miller v. Burke, 6 Daly (N. T.) 174; Johnson v. Sirret, 153 N. Y. In August, John Givens El, Drew Ali's chauffeur, declared that he was Drew Ali reincarnated. Brother F. Nelson-Bey, Past Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator served 1959 - 1963. 32, par. Kirkman-Bey was the janitor of the Temple during the time of Prophet Drew Ali he was asked by Prophet Drew Ali to be his interpreter for the Sixth Annual Pan American Conference on Private International Law in Cuba; as he was then given the title to the effect of Language Secretary. You must first become an official member of the Clock of Destiny. Raise the Moorish Nation to an economic, social and political standard with the nations of the world. They were considering having the largest groups of Moors; as over the years due to great division and ill moral acts within their body, many have resigned their membership which as cause the group it's continued decline. Thirty-five thousand people are killed outright, including 23,200-28,200 Japanese war workers, 2,000 Korean forced workers, and 150 Japanese soldiers. Andre C Kirkman-bey from Chicago, IL. [7] He announced: I am back. We must UNIFY to survive. Prophet Drew Ali as he considered himself to be the reincarnation of Prophet Drew Ali; which his temples would later be referred to as the Reincarnated Temple. Language Mealy El was present at the Second Annual National Convention of the Moorish Science Temple of America, or "Unity Conference," in September 1929. ask for Your: Copies of your Birth Certificate or Marriage License. The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali and Bro. Says the author and founder,C.M. The attack escalated into a shoot-out that spilled into the surrounding neighborhood. We are not afraid of pointing out anyone who teaches against Allah, Islam, and Prophet Drew Ali. All of Clock of Destiny Moorish history is the supreme science of the 12 signs of the zodiac law and constitution upon which civilization is founded. Kirkman-Bey; it went as far as Bro. Request Permissions, Published By: Philosophy Documentation Center. Namely those classified as Negros, black, african Americans, west Indian etc. If ANY member goes contrary to this saying and article 3 and 6 in the Moorish Constitution then they are no longer members of this August Body. They use the term in AMORC the Premier told us Frat and Soros. After the death of Prophet Drew Ali; Bro. Crimes cannot exalt the man who commits them to real glory; neither can gold make men noble. Before there was an Egypt, there was the Holy City of Mecca, which was founded by the Moors who brought the pure faith of Islam with them into Egypt. All three of them adopt the Greek alphabets and principles of administrative operation. See if Temple groups have years of works within their Communities. After Drew Ali's death, C. Kirkman Bey sometime between 1930 and 1935, claimed to have written the same text but changed the name to "Mysteries of the Silent Brotherhood." Bro. RailroadCo. After he was kicked out of The Moorish Science Temple of America, he would later form his band of foolishness called the Moorish Culture Club; which later give birth to many bootleg groups you presently see today. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Edward Mealy El was under enormous pressure from the members, mainly those who wanted to follow Bro. However, John Givens El, Drew's chauffeur, declared that he was Drew reincarnated, leading to a division within the temples. 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