Wage non-disclosure agreements for employees are prohibited. Iowa Code 216.15(9)(a)(1), (6)-(8). Rev. Mo. Whether you are getting paid more or less than your co-workers, youd be helping to even the playing field and increase equity across the board. Code Ann., State Govt 20-505(a)(1)(i). 149, 105B. 8-5-101(5). Rev. The Act also applies to any employer, including the state, employing 4 or more employees within the state but does not include religious corporations, associations, or societies whether supported, in whole or in part, by government appropriations, except where the duties of the employment pertain solely to activities of the organization that generate unrelated business taxable income subject to taxation under 26 U.S.C. Kan. Stat. Remedies: Any employer who violates the provisions of this law is liable to an employee affected in the amount of the employees unpaid wages; the court may also allow a reasonable attorney fee to be paid by the employer and costs. Stat. Code Ann. Remedies: The Executive Order does not create a private right of action. Coverage: Applies to the state and any other person employing 2 or more employees within the state, but does not apply to religious organizations or associations. Because the Ky. Rev. Code 21.002(7), (8)(C). Mass. New Jersey Law Against Discrimination Protection: It is an unlawful employment practice for any employer to take reprisals against any employee for requesting from, discussing with, or disclosing to any other employee or former employee of the employer, a lawyer from whom the employee seeks legal advice, or any government agency information regarding rate of compensation, including benefits, of any employee or former employee of the employer or to require, as a condition of employment, any employee or prospective employee to sign a waiver, or otherwise require an employee or prospective employee to agree, not to make those requests or disclosures. Only federal protections apply. 27-9-102(b). Iowa Code 70A.18. Colo. Rev. Remedies: Any employee whose compensation is at a rate that is in violation of this section shall have a right of action against the employer for the recovery of the amount of the unpaid wages to which the employee is entitled for the one year period preceding the commencement of the action; an additional equal amount as liquidated damages; and reasonable attorney fees. Code Ann. Connecticut Labor Statute Protection: No employer shall: prohibit an employee from disclosing or discussing the amount of his or her wages or the wages of another employee of such employer that have been disclosed voluntarily; prohibit an employee from inquiring about the wages of another employee; require an employee to sign a waiver or other document that denies the employee his or her right to disclose or discuss the amount of his or her wages or the wages of another employee that have been disclosed voluntarily; require an employee to sign a waiver or document that denies the employee his or her right to inquire about the wages of another employee; discharge, discipline, discriminate against, retaliate against, or otherwise penalize any employee who discloses or discusses the amount of his or her wages or the wages of another employee that have been disclosed voluntarily; or discharge, discipline, discriminate against, retaliate against, or otherwise penalize any employee who inquires about the wages of another employee. Ky. Rev.