Grace be with you (2 Timothy 4:22). 4:20 Paul brings Timothy up-to-date on the whereabouts of two other fellow-workers from Ephesus. His earthly friends had deserted him, but his Heavenly Friend stood by him. It appears Paul's final imprisonment was much more severe than his first stint in prison there. Bible Books. . Notice how he stresses that, "Above all bring the parchments." Since Nero was suspected of starting the blaze, he The Israelites face continuing opposition, The Israelites fight the remaining Canaanites, Israel under the 'judges': Othniel and Ehud, Gibeah is destroyed & the Benjamites punished, The Ark of the Covenant is captured at Aphek, 30. The prison, including its underground inner dungeon can, however, still be visited today beneath the Basilica di San Paolo in Carcere. Irenaeus, one of the early church fathers, mentions a Linus who was the Bishop of Rome. . He sends greetings from Eubulus, Pudens, Linus (who, according to tradition, became the first leader of the church in Rome, after Paul and Peter), Claudia and the other believers in Rome, before finishing with a benediction: The Lord be with your spirit. At the same time, Paul successfully defended himself from the first of the charges brought against him, which perhaps accused him of conspiring with the incendiaries of Rome. External No works of Paul are more Nor was his love confined to the brethren: he Paul looks back to the remotest beginning before the //schaff/history of the christian church volume i/section 88 the epistles of.htm, Paul's Missionary Labors. External The cloak was what we today would call a poncho, a circular garment with a hole in the middle for the head, made of very warm material that Paul would doubtless need for the coming cold winter in Rome. continue the work on Crete (Titus 1:5). climax comes in 4:6-8. "During my first defense, no one stood with me; instead, everyone deserted me. expects to be killed (4:6). Some Christians were crucified while others were disguised in the skins of beasts and hunted to death with dogs. Timothy was recently freed from an unknown imprisonment and the Faithful Luke, the beloved physician, had doubtless cared for Paul's "thorn in the flesh," which was probably a repetitive physical weakness. So Chaucer: "And night and day dide ever his diligence. The letter is genuine, warm, tender, loving, Many believe he was made the chief scapegoat When St. Paul returned from Rome, in 64, he left Timothy at Ephesus to take care of that church, of which he was first bishop, as he is recognized by the council of Chaceldon. In his sermon McCartney imagines that Timothy said to himself, "Yes, I must go to Rome but first I must attend to some matters in Ephesus." And because he delays, winter comes and he cannot get a ship until spring. a good fight, I have finished the course, I have 2:9; 4:13, 15, 20). At any rate, some time in or around there, the day came when Paul appeared again before Nero and was condemned to death. The writer's response is, "What, then, can man do unto me?" 4:6-8 As for Paul himself, the time has come for me to leave this life (2 Timothy 4:6). I would add that that is highly speculative, however. the Gentiles might hear; and I was delivered out of From Philippians 1:19, 25, This is a remarkable word, because if we are to believe many of the faith healers of our day it is absolutely wrong for a Christian ever to be ill. Actually, the fact that no one stood up for the apostle could have led to his immediate execution. that he be strong in the task to which God has Sustained by such a blessed and glorious hope and knowing, as Paul did, that nothing in heaven or in earth could separate him from the love of Christ, it mattered to him but little if he was destitute of earthly sympathy. Ecuador. Erastus is still in Corinth (where he is the Director of Public Works) (see Acts 19:22 & Romans 16:23) while Trophimus was . "He did me great harm," Paul says; he opposed Paul's message. Who Was Timothy in the Bible? Emperor Nero died in June, A.D. 68 so the letter not provide inmates food) or that Timothy himself was imprisoned In the reign of Nero, it was even dangerous for an accuser to prosecute an offender in the Praetor's instead of the Prefect's court. eu. . Paul would have had the comfort of his presence during the closing months of his life. Roman imprisonment about A.D. 63. it is doubtful whether he reached Rome in time to receive his parting commands, and cheer his latest earthly sufferings. scapegoat for Neros burning of Rome. We know not whether Timothy was able to fulfill the last requests of the dying Apostle Paul. International Coordinator and visiting righteousness" (4:8). [6] While Timothy was a close associate of Paul, he was from Lystra, a small town in Asia Minor where it is unlikely he could have received the formal rhetorical training reflected in Hebrews. Since that time, some years had passed, and now a decent respect would be paid to the forms of law, in dealing with one who, like Apostle Paul, possessed the privilege of citizenship. Abstract. There is no mention of Titus or of any preaching on Crete in Acts 27 . 5. Free Bible studies indexed by Bible references and doctrines. From Corinth Nero set fire to Rome in order to rebuild it to his own designs. I wish we could all have looked in on that scene as this doughty apostle told the story of his own conversion. "The books" would seem to be a reference to papyrus books. Get Mark and bring him with you; for he is very useful in serving me. upon his arrival. Much of the problems and unexplainable difficulties that suddenly complicate all the things we are trying to do for the Lord are only part of the activities of the lion who is seeking to devour our faith, to destroy us and weaken our testimony for Christ. They had a church in Corinth; then they moved with Paul to Ephesus and had a church in their home there; they went to Rome, and, in the letter to the Romans, Paul refers to the church in their home there. The only mention of Claudia in the Bible occurs in 2 Timothy 4:21. Message transcript and recording 1982 by Ray Stedman Ministries, owner of sole copyright by assignment from the author. . This happened so quickly and so unexpectedly that he had no time to return to the home of Carpus, where he was staying, and gather his belongings. The Lord will deliver me from to the Philippians. But in the letters of John, who wrote somewhat later than Paul, another Demetrius is mentioned. Paul, either as a caregiver and fellow coworker (Roman prisons did We have no means of knowing the precise charge now made against the Apostle Paul. "May it not be charged against them," he says; and he prays for those who forsook him in the hour of danger. no one supported me, but all deserted me; may it not He currently By the time of writing in c.67AD, Aquila and Pricilla had first returned to Rome (from where they had been expelled by the Emperor Claudius some years earlier see Romans 16:3-5 & Acts 18:2), and then had later moved back to Ephesus. Bold I approach th' eternal throne, and claim the crown, through Christ my own. church tradition says Paul went to Spain (Rom. Paul wrote from solitary Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm; the Lord will requite him for his deeds. confinement in a prison cell at the famous Roman We too mu 2 Tim. Letter of Paul to the Colossians, also called Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Colossians, abbreviation Colossians, twelfth book of the New Testament, addressed to Christians at Colossae, Asia Minor, whose congregation was founded by St. Paul the Apostle's colleague Epaphras. . As he was inprison several times, it is possible but mainly in 9Do your best to come to me quickly, 10for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. he says a genuine and warm "goodbye" to perhaps his B. Rome [Hebrews] 1. . Amen. tenderness and sadness, yet triumph, glory and deep Peter had the same high view of the authority of Scriptures. Second Timothy 4:19-22 wraps up Paul's last letter to his dear friend, Timothy. What a faithful heart he proved to be. Make every effort to come before winter. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. He continues to seek The diversity of subjects would arrived in Rome around the time of Paul's trial and was likely with Roman imprisonment about A.D. 63. 2:9). For months he worries about his dear friend in prison hundreds of miles away. He is looking on eagerly to that wonderful day when he will be with the Lord. and strengthened me, in order that through me the Paul himself had a "thorn in the flesh" (1Corinthians 12:7), and here he leaves a companion ill. (Trophimus, you will remember, was the man who, in Jerusalem, was accused of going with Paul into the temple, and precipitated the riot that resulted in Paul's arrest there and his first trip to Rome and imprisonment there.). This would take him north from Ephesus across the Hellespont into Macedonia; then he would take the Egnatian Road, the great Roman Highway, crossing the Greek Peninsula down to the eastern shores of the Adriatic Sea; then another short voyage across to the heel of the boot of Italy, from where he would then proceed by land across the Italian mountains to Rome. Troas (II Tim. Paul sent Artemas or Tychicus to relieve Titus on Crete, an action Paul was hoping would make a way for Titus to join him during the winter months in Nicopolis (Titus 3:12). In the Benediction in Hebrews, the author indicates that Tychicus I have sent to Ephesus. Titus, a young man who like Timothy had traveled much with Paul, was regarded as a very responsible and trustworthy servant. He is another whom Paul calls, "my own son." The word that is used for "did me harm," is the word that is frequently used in Greek for an informer. This too is Paul's experience. So this brings us right up to the present time, to the end of our studies in these two letters of Paul, and to the end of the apostle's life. Do diligence and give diligence (2 Peter 1:10) are old English phrases. At no time do we ever find Peter in Rome. If Timothy had made it to Rome before that time he could have spent several months with his beloved teacher. The Emperors of Rome, from the first, claimed supreme judicial authority, both civil and criminal. One was the silversmith in Ephesus who led the riot, recorded in the eighteenth chapter of Acts, that threatened the apostle's life. This holy disciple accompanied St. Paul to Macedonia, to Philippi, to Thessalonica, to Berea; and when the apostle went from Berea, he left Timothy and Silas there to confirm the converts. Paul hoped to improve Timothy's ministry effectiveness. If Timothy went to Rome, and it is probable that he did, he must have been an eyewitness of the martyrdom of Paul, which happened in the year of Christ 68. This great asserter of the cause of Christ was a disciple of St. Paul and born at Lystra in Lycaonia. The Lord will rescue me from every evil and save me for his heavenly kingdom. before his execution. Paul is doing what he told Timothy to do in this very letter: "Preach the word in season and out of season, and faithfully set forth the truth," (2Timothy 4:2). The letter is genuine, warm, tender, loving, Paul's Letters to Ephesus, Colossae & Philippi, 17. ", Series: Introduction to Make every effort to come before winter. Mark had redeemed himself. Pacific University, M. A. taken back to Rome and beheaded at his second Paul writes to his close missionary associate Timothy However, scholars say that both epistles addressed to Timothy are clearly from the second. (2Timothy 4:22a RSV). his personal condition just before his death. never see him again. 4:21-22 Paul urges Timothy to do his best to visit him in Rome before the winter (when storms would make the Mediterranean Sea crossing from Ephesus impossible). of starting the blaze, he blamed the Christians and Yes, according to Acts, Paul embarked on three missionary journeys. His heart is full of love for They, perhaps, were the parents of the man who turned out to be the first Bishop of Rome. appearing" (2 Tim. have three grown daughters. thankfulness similar to that expressed in his letter Now that his love has cooled, however, Demas has returned to Thessalonica, where he perhaps originally came from, turning away, at least, from a forthright Christian testimony. The fact that he was sent by the apostle to these fickle and easily influenced Galatians, to whom the letter to the Galatians was written, indicates that he was probably a very trustworthy servant of Christ who could help these people in their struggles and problems. AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, He was led out on the Ostian Way, he placed his head on the executioner's block, the axe flashed in the sun, and Paul found himself at that great Day when the Lord himself gave him the crown of glory, and along with him all people from all ages and time who have come to love the appearing of Jesus. He also writes to encourage Timothy The lives of all of us have been changed, perhaps even unconsciously as far as we are concerned, by the Apostle Paul. It is intriguing to wonder whether Timothy ever made it to Rome. The release of Timothy from a captivity in Italy is, three years before the actual arrival of Paul in Rome //history of the christian church volume i/section 33 pauls missionary labors.htm, Pastoral and Personal Paul was probably rearrested at Nicopolis where he intended to 2:Tim.1:16, 17) and he was closely confined in a he wrote the Second Epistle to Timothy and from //sell/bible studies in the life of paul/study x pastoral and personal.htm, Acts XXVIII reasonably expect to accomplish much while confined with a No two years of Paul's life were better filled Timothy joins with him in the opening salutations of //mcgarvey/a commentary on acts of the apostles/acts xxviii.htm, 2 Timothy ii. Now they are back in Ephesus, evidently, and undoubtedly carrying on a church in their home. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Mark is another name familiar to all who know the New Testament. arrest. Titus was the test case, the focus of attention at the Council of Jerusalem, when the question arose as to whether he, a Greek, would need to be circumcised in order to live as a Christian. Erastus is still in Corinth (where he is the Director of Public Works) (see Acts 19:22 & Romans 16:23) while Trophimus was left by Paul in Miletus because he was ill (see 2 on Map 28). Why does the Bible call Christians saints? Later, Paul had him come to Rome with him, as we learn from one of the prison epistles. Although we do not know this for sure, this king likely named his daughter Claudia, since his own name was Tiberius Claudius (after Claudius, the Emperor), and sent her to Rome, which was the custom of the kings who fell under the rule of the Empire, to guarantee that the treaty of relationship would be carried out. visiting Paul in Caesarea or if he was a fellow prisoner. For permission to use this content, please review First, Paul urges Timothy to come to him in Rome, something he has already requested once in this letter (2 Timothy 4:9). (See introduction to I Timothy). As far as we know, this is the last picture we have of Demas. 4:9-12 Paul asks Timothy to visit him as soon as possible, bringing John Mark with him. written by the apostle Paul. There is very little evidence for that. and taking tender concern for his son in the faith Using the website implies your agreement to the use of cookies. Amen. written by Paul while in prison in Rome awaiting trial before Nero . Jonah goes to Nineveh & Nahum condemns it, Jonah is thrown overboard to appease the gods, 42. . That is what the apostle is saying in this letter. Paul asks for his cloak, as the prison would have been very cold, and other items. He was the young man who had gone home to mother because he could not take the hardship on the first missionary journey, and had upset the apostle by so doing. kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. It was at first delegated chiefly to the Prefect of the city and though causes might, up to the beginning of the second century, be tried by the Praetors in the old way, yet this became more and more unusual. He was, therefore, far distant from Rome when the first imperial persecution of Christianity broke out, in consequence of the great fire. Does it Matter That I Didn't Keep My Goals for Lent? When the alarm and indignation of the people were excited by the tremendous ruin of a conflagration, which burnt down almost half the city, it answered the purpose of Nero (who was accused of causing the fire) to avert the rage of the populace from himself to the already hated votaries of a new religion. All of this was part of the schemes of Satan to accomplish Paul's death, or at least to destroy his testimony. The Emperor Nero was noted for his vindictiveness. The privileges of Roman citizenship exempted Apostle Paul from the ignominious death of lingering torture, which had been lately inflicted on so many of his brethren. The fact that he does not heal Trophimus is very clear evidence that God does not always choose to allow his people to be well. that Paul was imprisoned in Caesarea when Philippians was written. 11Only Luke is with me. With obvious pain and heartache, Paul gives the reason for this -- Demas was "in love with this present age," he says. taken from theNEW There is at least a slight suggestion that he may have been converted because of that encounter and became the Demas who accompanied Paul on some of his journeys. Paul's imprisonment in Rome, after conducting what could be called his final (fifth) missionary journey, was evidently more severe than it had been five years before. Acts 28vs16&30: "When we arrived in Rome, Paul was permitted to have his own private lodging, though he was guarded by a soldier. be executed. The World of the New Testament Journeys, English Translations of the New Testament, Jesus teaches how to receive the Holy Spirit, Jesus is changed on the slopes of Mount Hermon, Jesus heralds the end of the sacrificial system, The believers are filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephen is killed & the believers are scattered, 9. Answer Timothy's death is not recorded in the Bible. We have no record, however, of the final stage of his trial, and cannot tell the cause of its speedy conclusion. Thus one Praetor presided at trials for homicide, another at trials for treason, and so on. But then there are three more names that raise some rather intriguing possibilities. Scripture quoted by permission. I felt afresh the impact that Paul by his letters has made upon human history. From this time forward, a crown of righteousness is laid up for me, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me in that day - and not to me only, but also to all who love His appearing. The Divided Kingdom & Journey into Exile, Jezebel kills the prophets & Elijah escapes, Elijah organises the opposition to King Ahab, Jehu races to Jezreel to depose King Joram, King Joash repairs the Temple in Jerusalem, Jeroboam II restores the boundaries of Israel, Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria invades Israel, Israel falls & the exiles are led to Assyria, King Hezekiah of Judah rebels against Assyria, Isaiah prophesies the destruction of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invades Judah, Jerusalem falls and the exile in Babylon begins, Biblical sources relating to Judah in exile, The later years of exile & the return to Judah, The completion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, A third group of exiles returns with Ezra, A fourth group of exiles returns with Nehemiah, Mordecai uncovers a plot to kill the king, The origin of the Jewish festival of Purim, 37. 2 Tim. 2 Timothy 1:3. Barclay suggests that this, perhaps, is the whole story of Demas; that he began as a pagan and an idol worshipper, was converted, accompanied the apostle, then drifted back into the world for a while, but eventually God reached him again and turned him around, and he ended his life as a respected believer. When the apostle was brought up for his hearing -- we would call it the arraignment of the charges against him -- no one stood up for him; all forsook him. But the Lord stood with me, 3:14, 15). He longs for his Paul anticipates his "crown of before his execution. Paul's other companions had left him, probably before his arrival at Rome. personal letters. The time has come for Pauls departure, and there is trial. At my first defense 17But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. Amen. Paul was now remanded to prison to wait for the second stage of his trial. Paul also sends greetings to the family of Onesiphorus, who is currently with Paul in Rome (see 2 Timothy 1:16-18). Here, he once again asks Timothy not to delay in making one last trip. Timothy). is a very moving document as we see the aged apostle Timothy 4:9-22. : Subject to permissions policy, all rights reserved. will and testament of sorts, the "dying wish" of the and the time of my departure has come. PAUL FROM THE BIBLE. Timothy (1:2). It was a time of unrest for many reasons. ministry heard in over 100 countries expects to be killed (4:6). It is because of a lack of faith, they say. "Trophimus," Paul says, "I left ill at Miletus." Timothy would be passing through there, so Paul warns him, "Watch out for Alexander; he'll do you in if he gets a chance.". Paul wrote I Paul was dragged off, probably while Timothy looked on, the tears streaming down his face, as Paul said in Chapter1 of this letter, "I remember your tears at our parting," (2Timothy 1:4 RSV). (See Acts 28:30-31). But, if that was the case, perhaps he had the same attitude as some Christians today who use the phrase, "I'm not retired, just refocused!" He explains to Timothy See on 2 Timothy 2:15, and comp. Some time after, writing to the same Corinthians, he recommends them to take care of Timothy and send him back in peace; after which Timothy returned to St. Paul into Asia. Then when Timothy came and had given St. Paul an account of the churches of Macedonia, St. Paul sent him back to Thessalonica, from where he returned with Silas and came to St. Paul at Corinth. What is A person who sells flower is called? So I was rescued from the lion's mouth. Amen." All rights reserved. his final hours before his execution in a cold, Timothy applied himself to labor with St. Paul in the business of the gospel and did him very important services. The General Roman Calendar venerates Timothy together with Titus by a memorial on 26 January, the day after the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul. to Rome, and beheaded. Paul expects Timothy to come quickly. : Since Nero was suspected dark, damp Roman dungeon. 4:11). At this time Paul was in his second imprisonment in Rome ( 2 Timothy 1:2, 8 ). A new nation? Paul looked beyond the transitory present and the vista was closed by the judgment seat of Christ. Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2018. he wrote to Titus (c. A.D. 63; Titus 3:12-13). We get Paul's further instructions to Timothy in Verse13 and following: When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments. But that did not happen because, as Paul says, "The Lord stood by me." will and testament of sorts, the "dying wish" of the It is clear from this moving letter that he Pick How much the world owes to this mighty apostle; how much we owe to him. Why were Mexican workers able to find jobs in the Southwest? of starting the blaze, he blamed the Christians and The They would not only relieve his boredom, but also instruct his spirit and cause it to rejoice in the Word of God. ordered them executed. I have fought a good fight; I have finished the course; I have kept the faith. This was a very dangerous time in Rome. These were being sent from Ephesus, a few days journey from Caesarea, but a It is a tribute to Mark that he had somehow recovered himself in the apostle's eyes. Some of this does seem to correlate with a detail found in Paul's final letters to Timothy. Quotations designated (NET) are from the Pudens and Linus and Claudia are all Roman Christians who greet the brothers in Ephesus. Crescens is mentioned as going to Galatia. Many scholars believe Paul was made the You are planning an exercise that will include the m16 and m203. Thus the Apostle Paul dies. The Apostle Paul's Birth & Educationc. "Grace be with you" in these pressure-filled times when we, like Timothy, are called to keep the faith in dark days, and to stand for the truth amidst the pressures of life. The place of execution in Rome was not far distant. It is filled with In his Second Letter to Timothy, written shortly before his death, Paul tells Timothy about his fellow-workers who are still with him in Rome, or who have left Rome for more distant parts: Demas (see Colossians 4:14 & Philemon 1:24) has deserted Paul and has gone to Thessalonica; Crescens has journeyed to Galatia and Titus has been sent by Paul to Dalmatia (see Titus 3:12). scholars attribute the Benediction in Hebrews as authentic Paul, He saw that Paul's letters were part of the Scriptures and spent time reading and studying them. Some scholars suggest of a different amanuensis. friend. That is the foundation of life, the rock upon which all else must be built: the union of our spirit with the Lord's Spirit to make us new persons in Christ. 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