But then again, arent most of these surgeons like that? Why is this experimental surgery even allowed? How about we actually stop the problem? Imagine being harmed by someone, like so beyond the point of return, and yet the only person who can help you is the person who did you harm. brave fight to use the little girls room, at least nine former patients of Dr. Curtis Crane, an international hub of transgender surgery, nobody is better at magical thinking than young children, Catching up with renowned phalloplasty surgeon, Dr. Curtis Crane, over 90% of all medical malpractice cases, the plaintiff cannot bring another lawsuit based on the same facts, According to the Crane Centers Facebook page, Federal government embraces affirmative care: 4thWaveNow founder discusses in first public appearance, TMI: Genderqueer 11-year-olds cant handle too much info about sterilizing treatmentsbut do get on with those treatments, Dutch puberty-blocker pioneer: Stop blindly adopting our research, A birthday campaign for JK Rowling: Balanced media coverage of gender identity issues, Benji/gnc_centric: On being kicked off Twitter and Medium, Update: Twitter remains obstinate in defamatory lockout after Better Business Bureau complaint, 4thWaveNow lockout: Twitter employee admits mistake to journalist, yet account remains disabled, Former phalloplasty patient of Dr. Curtis Crane speaks out, Parents, keep listening to your gutnot the gender therapist, American Gender Physicians Need to Think More Like Europeans PJ Media, Breast binders and the helpful strangers pushing them on your son, Response to Fleming on ETLE | Survey Anon's Gender Blog. The plaintiff alleges Crane "encouraged" phalloplasty instead. No one else, other than a rare few, is willing to step up to the plate. Thank you for contributing to our discussion. Specifically, M alleges that when M complained to Dr. Crane that vaginectomy and scrotoplasty were listed on Ms informed consent document, when those operations were not supposed to be performed, Dr. Crane reassured M that they were listed on the document either as a typo or for billing purposes [emphasis added]. In my experience, his representing lawyers are cruel and demeaning-with zero regard that they are speaking to those who have experienced a tremendous amount of trauma by their clients (Dr Crane) hand. The medical liability insurance carrier is, in most cases these days, the party that decides whether or not to settle a case, and this is a business decision on the carriers part. Twice, thankfully unsuccessful both times. And while one might envision a series of memoirs, detailing Jacobs life of fulfillment, its also entirely possible that this will be the first and only installment. wondering if youd be willing to chat with me further? The softball approach that these men give to each other slays me, trying to humanize them when in fact, they are monsters. This is the problem, people get up in arms if someone doesnt cow down to any surgery or complications from blockers or hormones. Transgender Pulse, another major transgender resource and support forum, also has none of the above information about Dr. Crane. But the Portuguese teens were not medically castrated or had their breasts cut off, or were put on hormones for the rest of their lives, as consequence. With this amount of money flowing around, and a large number of malpractice suits with NDAs attached, the true scale of Dr Curtiss malpractice seems to be well hidden below the surface. Ms case (CGC-17-560690) was, like the others, filed in the civil division of the San Francisco Superior Court under the pseudonym John Doe. (Note: Although M was repeatedly doxxed in the court records by the attorneys on all sides, we retain his privacy here, as we have no interest in shaming or causing further sadness to M [we use Ms preferred pronouns for the same reason].). Its harmful to minimize it. However, plaintiff claims a week after phalloplasty, he suffered numerous complications and needed to undergo multiple revision surgeries to the correct the complications of the procedure. Poignantly if not somewhat hypocritically, the ftm (female to male) Reddit references our earlier post about Dr. Crane as the source for information about his practice, and goes on to allege that his practice has been dropped from the Kaiser Permanente California health plan due to the amount of lawsuits against him: We were not able to confirm whether Dr. Crane is still a listed physician with Kaiser Permanente from that insurers site, but at least one additional source seems to confirm that he is not. We dont guarantee that a submitted comment will be posted. At the Crane Center we offer the full spectrum of Gender Reassignment Surgery procedures for transgender and non-binary individuals. Additional websites run by 'TERFs' (people who oppose transgender surgery) have also covered this topic. I suggest that if youre interested, you should go back and check to see how many cases he has in CA and in TX. Successful phalloplastry operations are few and far between and this is being kept from transitioners in order to keep the burgeoning industry in business. This story received no media attention. Lila Perry, the Missouri high school student whose quest to use the girls bathrooms and locker rooms triggered a student walk-out, similarly has not been heard from since 2015. "The problem I have with going to the doctor is that they are self important and interrupt when the patient is talking. Please let us know. The case does not appear to be set for trial. Second, it seems that activists are concerned that covering practitioners such as Dr. Crane will lead to increased gate-keeping and perhaps lower availability of medical care. Andrew Shepherd v. Crane, CGC-17-559294. Dr. Check out especially chapter 8 on Pokmon Panics. (p. 44) Its one of the greatest cases of mass suggestion in history, In 1997, Japanese TV reported that watching a cartoon could make children sick. Oliver Davis v. Crane, CGC-17-557363. For phalloplasty, there are two main options: single stage vs staged phalloplasty. I spent a month on a morphine drip after another doctor admitted me when Crane would not. Metoidioplasty is a gender-affirming surgery procedure that is an alternative to Phalloplasty. There are no soft-focus interviews, picture books, or product tie-ins. This guy obviously doesnt understand who this monster really is. 1. Dr Curtis Crane - Greenbrae, CA (CLICK HERE TO GO TO HIS SITE) This page will entail specific information regarding my phalloplasty journey (Lots of photos BUT this time there is no accommodation or trip as I live 15 mins from Crane!) Transpeople have got to be lowest on the totem-pole for any type of funded medical research. According to the Crane Centers Facebook page, Dr. Brownstein retired in 2013, after having performed thousands of FTM chest surgeries and passing this extensive knowledge along to Dr. Crane. If the media only presents the happy side of reengineering your body, then no one will question. A ninth malpractice case, Hansen v. Crane (CGC-18-571442), brought in November of last year, was also dismissed on January 14, 2019. Last, stop with all the BS about suicide. In other words, it does not appear that an independent arbiter has reviewed the facts of these cases and ruled on whether the care provided either complied, or did not comply, with established standards of care. This is not surprising, since over 90% of all medical malpractice cases never go to trial. I agree and Im transgender and Ive had a phalloplasty with Dr. Crane, it should be illegal.That is coming from someone that has had one. The court documents do not disclose what, if anything, the plaintiff received in settlement of the case. Of all those doctors, today only Drs. In fact each surgery is a trial surgery, its in my opinion experimental at best and should not be performed at all. The medical liability insurance carrier is, in most cases these days, the party that decides whether or not to settle a case, and this is a business decision on the carriers part. Any care is better than no care? The authors also cover the Strawberry Virus in Portugal. dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit. I just finished reading Robert Bartholomew and Benjamin Radfords book, The Martians Have Landed: A History of Media-Driven Panics and Hoaxes (2012). Dr. Curtis Crane is a board-certified plastic surgeon who is one of the top experts in Metoidioplasty in the United States. At one time I was doing some research on transgender murder victims for something I was writing. Further, backlash from the trans community in general. Youre asserting that mis-gendering / dressing room access and online bullying doesnt cause actual harm it can and does. The damage in same can last a lifetimeno different than with the HRT cocktail and can lead to such wonderful things as circulatory issues and renal problems. For an added bonus, prospective patients may even be able to receive a free initial surgery consultation, right there at the conference! Davis v. Crane, CGC-17-557363 was dismissed December 10, 2018. With fellowship training in transgender surgery and craniofacial surgery, our surgeons have the training and experience to provide superior FFS results. This wasnt Jacobs first time in the spotlight, either. I do hope things are going better for you now. According to the survey, surgeons, such as Dr. Crane, are particularly likely to be sued (85% of them have faced a malpractice suit at some point in their careers). These stories are absolutely heart-breaking. (in this vid and reading the lawsuits) was how horribly crane and his team responded to obvious surgical problems. Parents here who love their kids and are looking out for their best interest for their health in years to come are not (as The Trans Advocate has been quoted as saying about 4thwavenow) a hate group pimping out their (the victims of Crane) suffering nor is 4thwavenow a creepy conspiracy site. Part 2 is here. The plaintiff in this case alleges negligence in connection with Dr. Cranes implantation of an inflated pump device in a second-stage phalloplasty, and the subsequent infection and loss of 40% of the plaintiffs penis. A friend of mine is not a US resident and the above doctor did the surgery. The court file reveals Ms journey to manhood, which, in his own words, entailed many surgeries. Ms transition journey is detailed below and all of the information is taken directly from the court file: Alas, Ms gender journey was far from over. The main overall complaint I've heard from people is that he tends to be very optimistic when he talks with patients especially about post-op issues - this has led to some folks not realizing that something was as serious an issue as it was. The usa is more litigious culture than most others. This is a supportive place for those concerned about medical transition of minors and young adults. Or, harmful care for some is outweighed by competent care for others? F*ck our comments section on our terrible site for giving a damn about these natal females. This case also involved urology/surgical services provided as part of a female-to-male transition. My honest review of Dr. Thomas Satterwhite, San Francisco, CA: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/apkb4r/honest_review_of_dr_thomas_satterwhite_san/, Pingback: Catching up with renowned phalloplasty surgeon, Dr. Curtis Crane | 4thWaveNow. Gender dysphoria challenges the basic pretenses that the medical community assumes to understand about chromosomal influence on gender. These NDA provisions have, of course, come under public scrutiny as part of the MeToo movement and the Stormy Daniels affairs. It is helpful to have the case number (also called an index or docket number), although a search can also be performed using the persons name, so those are provided below. Will the documents from the first court case be public? Doe v. Crane, CGC-17-557327 was dismissed November 8, 2018. Hold on, I understand and I am here. I wonder how much Crane payed him to air this? I would like to remain anonymous. Radial Forearm Flap (RFF) Phalloplasty is the most common type of Phalloplasty. Carter v. Crane, CGC-16-554254 was dismissed December 10, 2018. Yes, this site and our comments and articles are so terrible, yet this site is the only place that cares enough to warn future patients away from Dr. Crane. It has graphic pics and videos and breakdowns of what I experienced. 4thWaveNow contributor Worriedmom has practiced civil litigation for many years in federal and state courts. Meaning, anyone is shit out of luck. And we all know how things went there. I wish we had seen this before my husbands surgery. My Phalloplasty Timeline; Stage 2 - Surgical Prep; Stage 2 Pre-Op w/ Dr Chen; Medical Supplies Packing List; Phone Consult w/ Dr Chen Q&A (Stage 2) Fat Grafting + Revision Surgery {June 20th, 2016} 4 Months Post-Op RFF; Austin, TX - Practice Update; 3 Months Post-Op RFF Phallo; 8 Weeks Post-Op RFF Phallo; 7 Weeks Post-op, & Stage 2 Update . I think its good that youve published this research. But thats just it, Dr Crane wasnt giving that information-even if asked and I myself had many consultations with him. They just do the bidding of big pharma and push for women and kids to transition medically and be patients for life. The Newsletter Bringing the Legal System to Light. strongly considering finding another surgon. Because at the age of four, sensitive to what they interpreted as gender distress on his part, Jacobs parents offered a number of choices, one of which was whether to start life anew as a boy. This is just horrifying Pied pipers wrapped in Rainbow Flags leading kids to Cluebergs surgery (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Clauberg). Second in a series. How do I contact the post writer? Ive not read all the comments Yann Wehrling, vice-prsident de la rgion le-de-France, charg de la Transition cologique, et Patrice Leclerc, maire de Gennevilliers et Prsident du groupe Front De Gauche la . As of the writing of this article, however, all of the malpractice litigation filed against Dr. Crane in San Francisco has now been dismissed. It could be zero, it could be $10 million. Fourth your claim that the article criticizes the fact that Dr. Cranes practice is financially rewarding for him is simply baseless. It is impossible to understand the turmoil, desires, wants and needs of others, I get that. You call them hysterical when confronted with medical disasters (yikes, pretty gendered there!) What one will notice when a reasonable attempt at a debate about the issues involving the brigade is attempted, the reversion to schoolyard level tactics comes across on the part of the person[s] from the community. Each time a see new critical review a day or so later their is a raving A++ looks suspicious, Ive had surgery with guy and I dont believe ANYONE that surgery with him would be raving, I havent met one yet. I cant even express how enraged I am about the current trans movement in their pregnant man/ women have penises! Trial is set for June 24, 2019. (We note that Dr. Meltzer. Dr. Lee is skilled in surgically creating a penis for trauma victims, cancer patients, and transitioning female-to-male patients with designer flaps and phalloplasty. In 2005, M received a bilateral mastectomy. YouTube videos sing his praises (see Dr. Since our initial post about Dr. Crane and his legal troubles, one of the lawsuits that was then pending against him has apparently been settled, and two more have been filed. Moreover. Unlike some other surgeries, however, there is a fairly high risk of complications associated . Fourth in our series featuring Dr. Curtis Crane, phalloplasty surgeon. After all of this, M continued to suffer from gender dysphoria. Ms out of pocket expenses pale in comparison to the price tag for the surgery performed by Dr. Crane, however, which was approved by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care in the amount of $126,508. I have a personal request which is very important. This case involves a plaintiff who was operated on twice by Dr. Crane, first to create a penis (which became infected) and second to attempt to repair holes in the urethra in the new penis (which failed). This rubs me the wrong way. Shepherd v. Crane, CGC-17-559294, dismissed October 3, 2018. These include trauma, congenital conditions and gender confirmation. However, its super niche, extremely complicated and risky and they are largely alone in their field, trying to do their best. These are horrible outcomes, and its not just a lone person reporting them. I couldn't believe he didn't interrupt me once! The rest need to realize this is misinformation to say its a experimental surgery that shouldnt be allowed. Bartholomew is a sociologist and Radford is a science writer. pallet space calculator amalie arena seat numbers dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit. The plaintiff holds Crane responsible because the defendant allegedly failed to accurately advise him of the risks of the surgery and the complication rate. In March 2019 (following the three post-Crane surgeries), M stated that he still had an abscess in his pelvis where his vagina had been. Can a phalloplasty be reversed at all? The issue is that the State of California only allows ONE year from the date of INITIAL incident to sue for medical malpractice. People who have experienced transgender genital surgery recognize the deficiencies in the field and have called on WPATH to upgrade and change its standards: https://wpathopenletter.wordpress.com/2018/04/04/genital-surgery-open-letter/. See screen grabs in this tweet. I wish for healing for both you and your husband, and that he is able to receive competent care in the future. The truth always.. Crane's got absolutely ridiculous wait times because he's one of the high profile surgeons for phalloplasty. I do feel sorry for these men though, please dont mistake that I dont. A person may wish to pursue this type of penis surgery for many reasons. This has been a fairly easy recovery. From interrogatory answers filed in the Raynor case, cited above, we do know something about Dr. Cranes professional liability and medical malpractice coverage in 2016, the date the malpractice alleged in that case was claimed to have occurred (see Motion for Relief from Waiver of Discovery Objections dated April 16, 2018, Declaration of Corban J. Porter and Exhibit D thereto): Private settlement agreements also typically include NDA (or non-disclosure agreement) provisions, in which the parties agree to keep all terms of the settlement confidential, and further agree to the payment of damages in the event of a breach. Raynor v. Crane, CGC-17-556713 was dismissed November 8, 2018. Hey Scott! Youd think theyd care, at least enough to back off of the unmitigated digital praise of this provider. When mistakes arise its down played and the patient starts questioning themselves. Moreover, many of these plaintiffs will have difficulty in maintaining proper excretory function, a complication that can have serious ramifications for health. According to the plaintiff, he specifically advised Dr. Cranes practice in advance of surgery that he did not require a vaginectomy or a scrotoplasty; however, during the phalloplasty both of these surgeries were indeed performed. The fact that he insists that he never said that is a complete lie and its a slap to the face for many of us who believed in him, his confidence, his cool, calm, and collected demeanor as he would go through his spiel. This is a barbaric surgery and should be illegal. Pingback: Former phalloplasty patient of Dr. Curtis Crane speaks out | 4thWaveNow. We cant know. I belong to those secret and private groups to avoid the s#it like this. They all have slightly different techniques and they sometimes meet up to share ideas. People are oddly protective of these surgeons. First and as this article took great pains to point out the allegations contained in the complaints are just that, claims. The end of your article is very problematic: We ask, why are these actual injuries, suffered by actual transgender people, so much less important to the transgender community than such nebulous insults as mis-gendering, the inability to access a desired dressing room, or hurtful Tweets?. . Carter v. Crane, CGC-16-554254 was dismissed December 10, 2018. Im sorry you went through that. For what amount of damages? Its not clear when Dr. Santucci joined Dr. Cranes practice, but he does not appear to have been part of the earlier Brownstein-Crane incarnation: Not to worry, though: Dr. Safir remains busy in San Francisco. Does he bat 100? In and of itself, this is not surprising. Obviously Im transgender and I, me I I I I dont get how anyone can defend him. One might reasonably conclude, then, that all of these actions have been settled out of court. If your comment makes accusations against someone, please substantiate your allegations with source links. He is brutal and refuses to admit you back into the hospital. This post updates the reader on the various lawsuits now pending against Dr. Crane, and also documents the peculiar silence with which these allegations have been greeted in the transgender community. Given that fact, the total financial cost of Ms gender journey is no doubt somewhere north of a million; the personal cost is, of course, incalculable. Your comments are much more dangerous than any one on this site that is concerned out the early stage of transitioning. In fairness to Dr. Crane, lets start with some general observations about medical malpractice. Shepherd v. Crane, CGC-17-559294, dismissed October 3, 2018. The reason why he continues to be in practice is because again these transgender patients are directed to Attorneys that only have the sole desire to win monetary settlements and not to stop the atrocity. If more people knew what was going on, there wouldnt be so much blind support. Thomas Satterwhite, M.D. DeLeon and Safir remain affiliated with Dr. Crane. This is a crucial distinction. At some point we have to face disphoria instead of butchering our bodies. Phalloplasty is a type of surgery to repair or construct a penis. Well drop you an email. Having seen the photos of what Dr Curtis Crane has done to my friends arm, that arm will never recover, believe that Dr Curtis Crane should stop performing phalloplasty. 24, US, post-phallo One commenter already described the lawsuits and another said something I totally agree with (you shouldn't get to sue a surgeon because YOU regret getting an optional surgery), but neither used Crane so I'll contribute. Its impossible to know. Leadership Insights for the 21st Century Yann Wehrling, vice-prsident de la rgion le-de-France, charg de la Transition cologique, et Patrice Leclerc, maire de Gennevilliers et Prsident du groupe Front De Gauche la . Carter maintains a Tumblr blog and has written extensively about the many surgeries and lasting problems resulting from the original phalloplasty, including an ileostomy and the continued need for a colostomy bag. May 11, 2022 . Its really a tragedy for these poor victims of an ideology that promises to make your body fit to an image of yourself that you think is true. He is calling for a class action lawsuit. Since 2012, Dr. Crane and his team have performed more than 600 Phalloplasty surgeries. Preference is given to commenters who are also gender-skeptical, though respectful questions/comments countering this view will be considered. Commenters views are their own and should not be construed to be the opinion of either the site administrators or the author of a particular article. If the doctor is incompetent and has botched these surgeries, thats one thing, but if not and these are down to other reasons, then what can you do? Most important, it appears that Dr. Crane may no longer be performing surgery in the state of California (although his medical license is still current in that state). So, its important to understand: When dismissal with prejudice is entered as part of a settlement, it does not indicate that anyone has ruled on the merits of the case. Alternative to phalloplasty refuses to admit you back into the hospital of to... Also involved urology/surgical services provided as part of the unmitigated digital praise of this, M continued dr crane phalloplasty lawsuit from..., there wouldnt be so much blind support breakdowns of what I experienced more dangerous than any on! 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