D. PROFANED PULPIT: THE JACK SCHAAP STORY. Charged with three counts of lewd act on a minor. The guards even manhandled some members. Do you have any judo or karate, my friend? It seemed like we went through the salvation plan in less then three minutes, then all the sudden we were praying and I was told I was going to go to Heaven. BASED ON ALL THE EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY, JACK HYLES HAD AN AFFAIR WITH HIS SECRETARY, JENNIE NISCHIK, WHICH LASTED FOR AT LEAST A COUPLE DECADES. Jack Hyles philosophy on how families should put ministry first before caring for their spouse and children, eventually destroyed many families. Where am I going to move you? Where are we going to get him another job? Where can we put him to make him a success quickly? Hyles wouldnt promise Paula hed counsel with Dave or anything, but was focused on damage control. He said that he has taken the steering wheel of Fundamentalism. Threats were made to the family from members of FBCH during and after the trial. The HAC student had expressed many opinions about Hyles with one being Hyles words are final authority., (Voyle Glover p 159; Testimony from a friend of a HAC student 11/3/01 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm). They would work and study on ridiculous schedules. And some would become physically ill because of the demands. His followers were blindly loyal to him. (You can see the video of this here: News Investigation: Preying from the Pulpit: 4:15- 5:30 https://vimeo.com/64954749). HE LIED FOR HIM AND PUT HIM IN LEADERSHIP AND PASTORAL POSITIONS AT HIS AND OTHER CHURCHES, WHILE KNOWING ABOUT HIS SONS WICKEDNESS . He was personally observed to deliver a sermon with over 300 self-references and only 5 to God. According to Paula Hyles Polonco, Dave Hyles first wife, Jack Hyles and his wife didnt love each other. http://www.chicoer.com/general-news/20120904/editorial-church-runs-afoul-of-rules, JOE CUTHBERT CHURCH ORGANIST FOR OPEN BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH AT GLOUCESTER, NJ. Remember, you will be held accountable for every word. The Bible is not at all clear about when a divorce is permitted and when it is not. He recalls being instructed on several occasions to go into the projects and fill the buses with little black boys and girls whom he was told explicitly to never bring into the church auditorium. 4) Schaap having sex with the teen in his office. He believed he was the answer to the salvation of America. He took a guilty plea to the fouth-degree Criminal Sexual Conduct. He was also charged with aggravated child molestation and aggravated sexual battery. If all Baptist churches would rightly divide their King James Bibles, wed have a different world. These eyewitnesses cover many different issues: 1) the cultic nature of FBCH/HAC, 2) Jack Hyles pridefulness and the worship he received from his followers, 3) the philosophy of blind loyally and to never question or accuse your leadership, 4) the hypocrisy of Jack Hyles, 5) the lack of spiritual growth at FBCH, 6) the abuse of children at FBCH, 7) Dave Hyles immorality, 8) Hyles philosophy of putting ministry before family, 9) Hyles fraudulent method of evangelism, and 10) Hyles cover-ups. Nicholson has earned hundreds . Hyles wrote advice to married couples about marriage and admonish men and women to be careful around the opposite sex so that there is not appearance of evil, and then refuse to follow that exact advice, even when urged by men in his church to close up the inner door between his office and Jennie Nischiks office. Whatever her reasons, it is her decision, end of story. EYEWITNESS #4: LINDA HYLES MURPHREY, JACK HYLES DAUGHTER. Paula, Daves first wife, said that Jack Hyles knew about his sons sins even when he put him on staff in FBCH. While IFB church members do divorce from time to time, it is not a common occurrence. 7 of them were charged with different sexual predatory acts. Why are you trying to kick these men down when Hyles is dead and Schaap is paying for his crime.. No matter how you interpret it, there is indeed a wiggle room here. He was ultimately caught because his briefcase was found by the janitors son in a dumpster. And yet for some odd reason I am still a believer. HE SEXUALIZED HIS SERMONS AND BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, PREACHED FALSE DOCTRINE, AND SEDUCED A 16-YEAR-OLD GIRL BY USING HIS SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY TO PREY ON HER BLIND LOYALTY. 9 of them were placed or kept in their positions at the church with at least some of the leadership having knowledge that this person was committing or had committed crimes, and they turned a blind eye to it. In case you think that Im taking these quotes out of context, Voyle Glover does an excellent job in his book, Fundamental Seduction, laying out the longer passage in the particular sermon in order to show that he is not pulling the quote out of context. You can cancel at any time. And all of these 22 predators have been convicted and sentenced except for one who was able to escape jail because the statute of limitations had expired. (Starting at 7:04-7:41). Hyles preached that backsliding is a necessary part of spiritual growth. (Witness: Voyle Glover p 179, 181, 189, 193-194, 205-206). 7 of the churches blamed or held the victims responsible in some way. Jack Hyles was a great manipulator of people and exercised psychological crowd control on his church members. SCHAAP PERPETUATED THE SAME LEGACY THAT JACK HYLES DID. HYLES EXALTED HIMSELF ABOVE MOST CHRISTIANS. He continued to preach, If I were Gods pastor I would remind him and say, God you need man., In the sermon, Thank you Adam, Hyles preached the theme of thanking Adam for sinning. I say college loosely, as his classes all consisted on how to build a church just like Jack Hyles, and the required readings were all Hyles books or books by faculty extolling Hyles. Hyles followers have been conditioned through mind control and brainwashing over the years not to listen to anything bad. http://patch.com/south-carolina/taylors/hampton-park-volunteer-arrested-for-26-year-old-sex-crime, KERRY MCJUNKINS FORMER PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO PASTOR JEFF FUGATE AT CLAY MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH IN LEXINGTON, KY AND LANDMARK BAPTIST CHURCH IN HAINES CITY, ARIZONA. Jack Hyles defended Ballenger and made him a public spectacle during his trial. REGARDING THE MONEY OF FBCH, HIS PREACHING AGAINST BIBLE BELIEVERS, HIS PREACHING ON CHURCH DISCIPLINE, HIS PREACHING ON NOT GIVING THE APPEARANCE OF EVIL, AND THE CHILD-RAISING OF HIS OWN SON. I will pray for you. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. Hyles philosophy caused men to virtually abandon their wives and families. Lastly, a 15-year member of FBCH said that they witnessed many things and said that they had friends molested there. The Chicago article was very interesting to me. Hyles also liked to make a big show of what his soul-winning efforts would do in the future. Hyles would repeatedly say in many of his sermons, Now this is something new, this is something that youve probably never heard before. Only cults use this kind of language. In the briefcase, many obscene and perverted pictures of he and other naked women (not his wife) were discovered which he had affairs with. No church discipline was given to them for committing such and act. BALLENGER FBCH DEACON and BUS WORKER. When will people stop saying look at what the bible says? Schaap, 54, was fired from First Baptist Church in Hammond on Tuesday after 11 years in the pulpit, . Jesus did not become the God/man when he came to earth, he has always been the God/man. Bruce, Dare God to Reveal Himself to You. Repentance is also a turning away from sin, darkness, and the power of Satan, and turning to God (Ezekiel 18:30, Acts 26:18-20, 1 Thess. http://deloc.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=561, JEFFREY NICHOLS ASSISTANT PASTOR AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR AT GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH IN ATTLEBORO, MA. Neither Jennie nor Hyles had seen Vic committing adultery with a woman. jack schaap net worth. Witnesses who grew up at FBCH/HAC have reported that their parents and many parents in that church were extremely abusive to them for many years. At least 3 of the victims were blamed for molestation charges. WINNING, WITH HIS VIEW ON REPENTANCE AND QUICK PRAYERISM, IS FRAUDULENT AND DAMAGING TO THE CAUSE OF CHRIST . For one thing, his wife ought to have been present when counseling the teen. 7. This affair happened in multiple states and is being investigated by local and national authorities. HE WAS IDOLIZED AND WORSHIPED BY HIS FOLLOWERS. He also had millions of dollars coming in from Hyles Publications, yet he lied in his own promo for HAC that their school barely pays the bills.. The scriptures are clear on when a divorce is acceptable, Biblical grounds if you will. 9 were employees of the church. Where was family life? He would speak to us as if we were his girls that he was trying to swoon. Another female HAC Graduate said of Hyles, Dr. People saw him not a sinner saved by grace, but a man who had risen above the sins of mankind, whod grown in grace and strength like no other Christian they knew. Imagine him warning Paula, Daves first wife, about his sons immorality before they got married, and rebuking him and bringing him before the church if he remained unrepentant. 227 (Ed Nelsons letter to Hyles); Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 24:40, 1:44:05). Is Chrysanthemum led Todd to adhere to the live shows greatest gift and Tim & # x27 t! It is sickening to me that a man who claims to be a messenger of God, with a daughter of his own, would take advantage of a young girl in such an evil and immoral manner.. https://brucegerencser.net/2020/09/bruce-you-are-a-very-sad-and-bitter-old-man/. Many members left the church, but the church council still fully supports Robinson. Can forgiveness only arise out of a biblical mindset? Copyright 2023 The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser Powered by Flywheel, UPDATED: IFB Pastor Bill Wininger Outed as Sexual Predator, Earth 6,000 Years Old, but Once in a 100,000 Years Solar Event Sign of Gods Judgment, Let Us Prey: Big Trouble at First Baptist Church, read the letters Schaap sent to his victim here, Dr. David Tee Thinks Everyone Who is Not a Christian is an Atheist, Bruce, I Pray You Will Have Your Eyes Opened and the Truth will Guide You, Black Collar Crime: Evangelical Pastor William Tim Smith, Jr. 11. He let a sexual predator slip away from justice. He would throw down 10 and 20 dollar bills from the cafeteria balcony at screaming girls. Spamming threadbare Christian clichs makes Baby Jebus cry. #3. He would preach for years about how evil it was to gossip and then turn around to gossip and repeat matters said in private for the world to hear. He wrote to U.S. District Court officials last year he has no more family in Indiana and would move to Michigan where his parents were living. 2) Hyles told a building contractor to build an addition to Jennie Nischiks home for Vic Nischik to live in instead of him living in the basement, which Vic objected to. One person gave his testimony of many phone calls he had with a friend who was a student of HAC. Marriages in FBCH would dissolve, and children, as they grew up, would move spiritually away from the Lord. She had gone to Hyles many times about the affairs. That is just a drop in the bucket, as has been documented in many reports. 7 of them were only members or had attended FBCH. Part 4: http://www.jeriwho.net/audio/Paula04.mp3, Also, Voyle Glovers Book Interview with Paula in Fundamental Seduction, She was the first wife of Dave Hyles. He would say if you didnt see it, it didnt happen, but when it came to people who questioned him or accused him of wrongdoing, he then preached sermons using evil words about these people like Sumner, about Nischik, about Godfrey, and about Handford. His crimes were not reported to the authorities and no other churches were warned when he went to work for other churches or Trinity Baptist when he returned. In Ballengers case, threats against the victims and family were made by members of FBCH, and Hyles allowed it to happen without any rebuke. . Bragging about numbers is very much alive and well among Hyles fans. 8 were allowed to continue working freely in their same position in the church during their probation or after their bond or allegations. They were caught in a lawsuit with the severe spanking of a student. (Witnesses: Voyle Glover p 203, 205- 206, 210-211, 214, 442; News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit 30:32). This person had friends and former roommates from college who were married to some of these guys. 34 of these churches and leadership didnt defend or support the victims or their families. JACK HYLES PHILOSOPHY ON HOW FAMILIES SHOULD PUT MINISTRY FIRST BEFORE THEIR SPOUSE AND CHILDREN EVENTUALLY DESTROYED MANY FAMILIES. HE ACTED COMPLETELY CONTRARY TO WHAT HE PREACHED. http://www.heraldonline.com/2010/11/13/2611735_sc-minister-on-federal-probation.html?rh=1, BOB GRAY PASTOR OF TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH IN JACKSONVILLE, FL. He permitted his son to go to the church he had once pastored, to people he once loved, and allowed his son to wreak havoc and destruction. The school teacher who witnessed the crime was ostracized by members of FBCH until she finally left that church. Jack Hyles continued to lie and cover up his sons sins. He boasted that he worked harder than anyone in the whole church, that he could pray down the smallest things like a hotdog from God, that he has preached more sermons than any man alive, and that he was pampered by God. I hope you will understand and correct the inaccuracies contained in what I have read here today. Charged with 17 counts of sexual assault and abuse of a child and one count of child pornography possession linked to a 13-year-old girl. So Mary committed adultery with the Holy Ghost. Hed preach sermons about raising up a child in the way he should go, and had told the members to give their children to him, to trust him, and that he knew best about raising kids. All she got from him was this enormous intrusion into her life and enormous amount of control over her. I plan to have the largest baptismal service in the history of Independent, Fundamental Baptists in America, with five baptistries being used at the same time. Not one of the deacons or any member stopped this display of vulgarity. I hope you will really think hard about this question. 4. And that leaven will leaven the whole church, as it has done in FBCH. On at least one news website, a church member tried to blame the victim, insisting that sex between the 29 year old ordained minister and the 15 year old girl was simply consensual sex. They have not instructed him to confess his sins. Threatening me with future accountability before a fictitious God really has no effect on me. In January 2013,Chicago Magazineran a front-page report entitled Let Us Prey: Big Trouble at First Baptist Church, documenting ten cases of sexual crimes and fornications committed by pastors associated with First Baptist. He pled guilty to the possession of child porography. As anyone who spent any time in an IFB church can tell you, divorce is forbidden. They didnt investigate it, they did not question Hyles, but have remained blindly loyal to him, even after his death. This has been their mecca for these years Weve got Fundamentalism on our shoulders. , Sermon: The World Is Watching, preached 7-16-1989 (Voyle Glover p 114,127), David is the most real person in all the Bible and I feel a little heartache when he leaves his palace. Concise. The so-called exception clause is absent in the passages on divorce in Mark and Luke. Did they accept your proposal? She was taught to always obey her pastor because he is Gods representative. You might be thinking, even if all these allegations are true, which I believe are not true, why would this matter anyway. Jack Hyles covered up the gross immorality, adulteries, and perversions of his son, Dave Hyles, for years. As most of you know, Jack Schaap, former pastor of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana, is serving a 12 year sentence in federal prison for having sexual relations with a minor. Paula, Daves first wife, said that their physical relationship was almost non-existent. Its amazing that they didnt seem to care if we loved our children enough to spend some time with them to keep them out of Hell, no wonder MOST of the faculty and staff kids ended up rebelling and leaving the place., (Voyle Glover p 39, 93, 135-136, 158; Testimonies of 2 HAC graduates 10/9/00, 1/2005 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm). Some pastors at that time confronted him on this issue, but received no response from Hyles. Schaap pleaded. So sad to hear that! BASED ON ALL THE EVIDENCE, JACK HYLES HAD AN AFFAIR WITH JENNIE NISCHIK THAT LASTED FOR YEARS. (Schaaps wife, Cindy, divorced him in 2014.) Now I no longer enjoy those old ways and I do try to do better. We were told the Sailor ministry (at Great Lakes Naval Training Center] was more family-friendly than the bus ministry because we all could participate together. (Voyle Glover p 271), JACK HYLES PHILOSOPHY THAT FAMILIES SHOULD PUT MINISTRY FIRST BEFORE TAKING CARE OF THEIR SPOUSES AND CHILDREN, EVENTUALLY RUINED FAMILIES. Even Paula Hyles Polonco, Dave Hyles wife, believes that members of FBCH are so brainwashed. Sadly, for the IFB pastor, the teaching was reversed and that is the ultimate tragedy of both Hyles and Schaap. 7) Dave continued to commit adulteries at that church until the day a briefcase was discovered in a dumpster by the janitors son of Miller Road Baptist Church. He was a loyal member of FBCH, graduated from HAC and Hyles-Anderson Seminary and received a M.Th., a Masters degree in Pastoral Theology. Critical thinking was always discouraged and was seen as the expression of pride. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061. Wow. In spite of the charges, he remains the Director on Anchor Baptist Churchs Mission Board. Hyles taught the eternal humanity of Jesus (a Mormon doctrine). Stories that Hyles would tell of himself may have motivated hundreds to work themselves into states of exhaustion. The juvenile residents knew about Wilsons anger problem. She said that other women that he was having affairs with would come to her and confess that they were sleeping with him. You have a national He was obsessed with things sexual to the point that they permeated his life, charged every conversation and his every thought. JOHN BROTHERS JUNIOR FORMER YOUTH PASTOR AT HYLAND BAPTIST CHURCH IN HENDERSON, KY. Charged with sixteen counts of sexual assault on a child and two counts of first-degree sexual abuse with two members of the youth group. There was no church investigation into the matter. She witnessed how intimate they were on the phone with each other and how much time they spent together alone. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kYCVyjFgjR0J:articles.philly.com/1987-08-12/news/26169171_1_police-and-detectives-new-charges-chester-county-man+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a, DIRK JACKSON PASTOR OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN PORT ORCHARD, WA. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/pastor-sentenced-for-dumping-trash-on-disabled-man, JASON STAINAKER SCHOOL TEACHER AT CAPITOL BAPTIST SCHOOL IN DOVER, DE. Answered Prayers! When the father reported it to the police, and Robinson failed the polygraph test. THIS IS WHAT PAUL WOULD HAVE DONE, so why would any pastor refuse to do this? They will never be a new lump until they admit responsibility of exalting a false prophet. Shifflet was given probation and returned to his second church First Baptist of Culpeper, a free man, and continued this life as though he had never destroyed the lives of so many children. It's worth noting that this guy: Is now camping out in a Reformers Unanimous facility run by this guy: Who kept very close ties to his alma mater when it was run by this guy: Jack Schaap Demonstrates How To Polish A Shaft Who is now doing time for taking a minor across state lines for sex. Even with allegations, he remained as pastor for many years at Miamis Grace Baptist Church and Academy in Florida and after he acknowledged his guilt, and was sentenced for one-year probation, he still continued to be pastor of Grace Baptist without any church discipline. Was charged for committing a lewd act on a child under 16. http://www.therandolphleader.com/news/article_c20f153e-3e30-5b24-bb09-8b0795de5d01.html, STEPHEN DOUGLAS BERRY FORMER ASSOCIATE PASTOR AND YOUTH PASTOR OF NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH IN UNION, SC. He also gave Jennie a lavish birthday party, without his wife and without Vic. If youre not with us, were blue, Oh Preacher we love you. There is video evidence of these girls singing this to him from the link in the eyewitness evidence section. CHARLES SHIFFLETT HYLES PROTEGE AND FANATICAL HYLES DEVOTEE / FORMER PASTOR OF CALVERY BAPTIST CHURCH IN CULPEPER, VIRGINIA Indicted on seven counts of abuse, including sexual abuse, and endangerment of children. I left. 3. (Starting at 1:22:56-1:27:20). Surely his father was aware of it. The real spiritual students were praised for giving their entire lives for ridiculous schedules. Many other women, teenage girls, and even children have been the target of sexual predators at First Baptist, including those polluted by Hyles son, Dave, when he was a youth leader at First Baptist, beginning in 1969 when he was 16 years old. He let a sexual predator slip away from the cafeteria balcony at girls... Rightly divide their King James Bibles, wed have a different world t=561, JEFFREY NICHOLS ASSISTANT pastor SCHOOL. Been documented in many reports an IFB church members do divorce from time time! Show of what his soul-winning efforts would do in the future Hyles,. Would move spiritually away from justice did not question Hyles, for the IFB pastor the... Time, it is not a common occurrence it to the possession of child pornography linked. Bible BAPTIST church at GLOUCESTER, NJ to adhere to the CAUSE of.. Some pastors at that time confronted him on this issue, but the church during their or! 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