He will also scratch at other reflective surfaces such as the glass framed picture in . This void allows spirits to come into the world of the livingbad spirits included. -Victor. I took down the mirror, and for the tv its on a mount I faced it away from bed and covered it at night. If youre in search of an unbreakable mirror (or at least one thats slightly less prone to breaking), using an acrylic mirror is your safest bet! Very creepy. Umm we like to look at ourselves in bed. I think if you are superstitious then you are probably more likely to have issues. I have kind of always wanted to see a ghost though. When you turn your bedroom lights off, you are creating the perfect setting to see this strange phenomenon, assuming if you have a mirror facing the bed and you can see the reflection of your face. They could range from moving curtains to the shadow movements casted from outside your bedroom window. Bring your past back to life 6. If you have seen people gutted inside out, broken face, bleeding, with skin tears and bone reveals as well as rotting bone (yes the field of medicine and surgery). Should you be scared of mirrors, then firstly you need to ask yourself how much of a civilized human you are. . While looking into a mirror after being married brings good fortune; gifting a mirror to newlyweds isnt quite the same. Hi Victor. Just wanted to share this story! Some people say that if you look in the bathroom mirror at midnight you will see who your boyfriend will be. The automatic dimming feature of the interior. Of all the nonsense." He stopped laughing. If you think Im over analyzing it, then consider how much you have done so over hypotheticals than actual physical evidence and statistics that actually play a part based on real science. -Victor. Heres what other people experienced. Some people believe that, after a person passes away, the next person to look in the mirror will be the next to die. Can mirrors collect souls. Aside from that, the personal energy of the person sleeping in front of the mirror will be deleted. -Victor. Mirrors and spirits have a powerful connection, and this is what makes mirrors highly sensitive and spiritual. Thank you Victor. -Victor, Today I was cleanin out my room n I had a lil stand up mirror Nd I didnt wnna hang it up on my door yet cuz it was late at night yfm so I had set it against the wall at the end of my bed I didnt kno or think anythin of it I went to sleep around 3 am I couldnt sleep all night but once I fell asleep I had the worst nightmare of in my life ..Im only 13 btw I had a dream tht the devil was possessing me in my dream n hurting my ribs and sides from the inside and drugged everybody I tried to tell so there was no way I could get help n every night he possessed me n hurt me n I couldnt escape and the pain felt so real in my dream its like I actually felt him hurting me on the inside while he was trying to take my soul and make me give up wen he was possessing me but out of no where I had took a deep breath and woke up out of it finally.but the dream felt so real like I could feel everything it was the worst feeling ever its like there was no getting help in my dream the more help I tried to get he hurt me even worse it was just so crazy but wen I woke up it was 11:00am exactly and I went to my mom crying bc it felt real n was scary n I told her to come sit in the living room with me n I explained everythin to her n I said I barley have dreams and for me to have a dream like this out of no where dont seam right n idk I just thought to look up is it bad to sleep with a mirror at the end of your bed and it said it will attack un wanted spirits and something about messing up your dreams idk just look it up but it was just so crazyy and scary Im never In my life doing tht agin and dont sleep with your bed facing the door like your feet facing your door bc bck then a myth was that thats how they carried dead ppl and if yu do tht the dead will tug on your feel and try to take you or something idk if its true I never did tht Nd dont plan on it lol but Im jus saying wht I heard n the mirror thing is real it gave me the worst nightmare of my life I felt very pain of being possessed it felt like the worst pain of my life and there was no getting help n the dream felt like it lasted for hours ..it was soooo crazzy. Normally, you observe yourselves countless times in a mirror or a selfie camera. He saw the face of an old man when he was looking at the reflection of his own face. Others see a series of unfamiliar faces, fantastical monsters, and even animal faces. So if you have a mirror right next to you when you sleep, you will notice any movement from the mirrors reflection. Al-Hisnul-Haseen Pg. Reflecting, i didnt really feel depleted of energy, it was rather being filled with a vibe, that fills you with bad wired energy. Previously: "Dear Theodore.". 14. How is the curse undone? What if the mirrors are on a wall parallel to the bed that is on the side of it. As you learn to do mirror work, you will become much more aware of . Its only bad if its directly facing the bed. Brings back spooky memories back in the days living at the old addy. I moved out for 2 years and decided to move back home because I was sick of renting. Here's how it looked. You have to consider how much you hate yourself in order for you to be tormented by your own image. My partner experienced the same. Its just how the brain works. Every mirror in the house. Everyone is unique in their own ways, and it is important to observe and pay attention to yourself on how the mirror is affecting you. Thank you for your input. cat scratches mirror. The ancient Chinese believe that when youre asleep, youre between two worlds the Yin (spiritual) and the Yang (our world). This is why it is said you will not be a true believer unless you love for your brother what you love for yourself.Today unfortunately we are all selfish not wanting for my brother what I want for myself.If the mirror is banished it would reflect exactly what . I am so happy I paid attention to something many people dont believe in. If the outside of the restroom (option 1) is a bit dark, you can use the mirror to illuminate the area. In Serbo-Croatian culture, a mirror was sometimes buried with the dead, both to prevent the spirit from wandering and to keep evil men from rising. O Allah, just as You have made my external features beautiful, make my character beautiful as well. Hey, its cheaper than an alarm system. First, it can be bad for your eyesight. The sound was stolen from my boyfriend who left earlier today he would scare me by doing that voice. I read last week that you shouldnt have the tallest member of a family facing a mirror with sight of head chopped off. and if you dont, you can just close this page, we dont need people like you to preach. -Victor, So many deep insights that has obliterated by civilization and modernism. The screen continuously streams rear view so that you can clearly see what's behind. Your husband-to-be will appear in the mirror to catch the ninth slice of apple. -Victor. Also, mirrors, are an interdimensional portal. One that after I tell the story you can tell me how to destroy it, PLEASE. It was almost as if she looked really sad. Please, dont be like me. Uncle Dixer has a simple solution to your question: https://fengshuinexus.com/answers/mirrored-closet-doors-reflecting-bed/ -Victor. Whenever theres something different about the way we look a different hair style, the facial expression, or what we wear, we may get alarmed and think that were seeing someone else. -Victor, Strange things happened. Hi, Facing part of the bed is better than facing the whole bed. Sorry if I cant be of help here. How would I remedy that? Its 3:35 am in the morning and I just discovered this article after waking up from a disturbing nightmareSoon after waking in a sweat I got out bed and grabbed a glass of milk and went back to bed, ready to continue sleepbut then I suddenly remembered the contents of my nightmare: I was in a bedroom surrounded by mirrors of different sizes, each mirror sat in a large wooden frameThen there were these malicious spirits floating around the room trying to enter into my body, each time I tried to fight them off one of the mirrors in the room would levitate of the floor and float towards methen I awoke from the nightmare. He later successfully replicated this strange face-in-the-mirror illusion experiment on others. I repeat, do not try it. Been ridding with a mirrored visor at night so long I hardly notice it anymore. Its got a glass mirrored wardrobe where the view stretches, and you can see the entire room, its not far off my bed like 1.5-2m off. The day that there was no mirror facing my bed i was like im the boss in the room. How true is this myth? Youre good as long as it doesnt bother you! Mirrors are portals for higher entities. Upon remembering what I had dreamt about, my attention went straight to the large wooden encased mirror in my bedroom facing my bed. It clearly shows you what thoughts you will need to change if you want to have a joyous, fulfilling life. See if that is more of a challenge than staring at harmless mirror. As legend has it, when you break a mirror, you are going to be cursed with bad luck for the next 7 years. Now when there was a mirror it seems like everything comes to me was bad. I. Based on my experience, this also depends on the person. Legend says that if a soul encounters a mirror before their body is burried (typically within the first 3 days of passing), their soul will be trapped in the mirror. Heres another video that shows the connection between our vision and our sense of touch in the brain, as illustrated by a National Geographic show called Brain Games: The easiest way to remedy this situation is to cover the mirror with cloth (for mirrors on closet doors) or reposition the mirror so that it doesnt reflect your bed (for standing mirrors). Some may even say that she escapes from the mirror and comes after you. An explanation for this is that when we sleep at night, our soul leaves the body. Id love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! I never have a large mirror in my bedroom, but romovalist accidentially placed there, being busy, i never noticed until three weeks . Please do not stare into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror. Theres no better time to suck someones soul out than when theyre laying unprotected and unaware in bed. Sleeping in front of a mirror that faces other mirrors is not good. Looking in the mirror at the gym serves a variety of purposes. You get anxious easily 9. A species of divination, which was performed by lowering a mirror into water, allowing a sick person to look at their reflection. The Blue Baby Urban Legend Image source: pexels.com To execute this legend, you need to go into the bathroom, close the door and shut off the lights. Photo by Kin Shing Lai on Unsplash. And feel like i am powerless. Didnt wake up once during the night. Required fields are marked *. Im thinking to changed position my bed.let see if its help me sleep. The use of mirrors proved useful only for a short while because as planes flew faster, the mirrors failed to provide the early warning as desired. Her white eyes had that gloomy look about them. I have two options. There are superstitions that claim sleeping with a mirror in the bedroom is a bad thing to do. For those that get scared by it, please know that it is not some supernatural phenomenon. If you sleep with a mirror facing your bed, you may want to reconsider. https://www.facebook.com/groups/222598139585133. If it works, perhaps consider changing your headbox. Or would you recommend covering the mirror? -Victor. So, when you walk past a mirror and get startled by the reflection of yourself, dont be embarrassed. Thats why I created this site to enable experts to share those knowledge and experiences with you and get you closer to your dreams. What not to do in front of the mirror - tips and tricks ===== -Victor, Two mirrors in living room one cover the fire place and one hanging on the walls back of the sofa.its that bad luck, Hi Senolita, This should be ok. Wishing you well! same thing is happening with me ..even if the mirror is placed diagonally i m disturbed by it ,,cant sleep properly. Its similar to the many stories thats prevalent in societies where paranormal activity is widely accepted. Thats the easiest solution. In a research experiment published by the Royal Society Publishing, researchers created a virtual reality box where a mirror is placed vertically on a table and reflected the subjects limbsay a hand. I know its not too safe and I should probly throw a clear one at night, but I never seem to make it happen :saw: <--that and I'm too lazy to pack and haul around another visor in my bag all day long. The author, Italian psychologist Giovanni Caputo, describes his set up which seems to reliably trigger . Hi Akhila, Thanks for your sharing your experience with us! These objects range from TV to the glass covers for your picture frames. The door leads into The Loft area, down eight steps, and into the very large open floor plan living room with cathedral ceilings. A Hadith says Mumin are like mirrors.So if one looks in the mirror it tells him exactly what is in him neither adding nor subtracting. Now 4 days ago we moved to a new place. A new twist on the classic mirror game, this Reddit-popularized rite involves setting up candles, a fan, mirrors, three chairs one that you sit in and two that you place mirrors upon and then. In this guide, well provide helpful tips on how to avoid (and reverse) any back luck you may encounter. I have slept so extremely well the last days, feel more balanced, positive and myself again. Ive witnessed the efficacy of Feng Shui, astrology and divination. I didnt really have the room for the free standing oval type mirror so I recently found one that hangs on a door. Covering a mirror after the death of a loved one originated as a Kabbalist tradition. Superstitious or what. Hi Elsa, You caught my interest. You have to dig deep to find that answer, many cant even stand a few minutes of silence with their own self, let alone mirrors. Heat escapes through clear glass, its pattern unseen in fragments. But what if you could see who your future soul mate actually was? The Spiritual Powers of Mirrors Mirror facing bed: 11 spiritual meanings 1. 7% of our activities are done on conscious level, 97% is on subconscious. Because the mirror reflects back to you the feelings you have about yourself. The reason you see something green in the mirror is because the mirrors that common households have are not perfect mirrors that reflect all spectrum of color and light. Her front door shut gently. My opinion is based on what we know from todays scientific research and findings. Legend has it that spirits from the other side will suck your soul out through the mirror. Looking into the mirror and being this monster, horrible and transformed into something evil. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Were all guilty of being a little too unobservant sometimes. If you are looking for an overall good mirror dash cam, this TOGRUARD model might just be the one for you. Your eyes are drifting apart and your mouth starts to curve into a menacing smile. Hi Derrick, Not so scary for you! -Victor. On the other hand, a mirror when placed at a wrong location can bring bad luck and affect the quality of life. If you cant even withstand that, the problem you should be solving is not feng shui or raw natural instinct like one would do with a child or an animal but a problem deep within that question how good of a human being you have been and whether you are truly comfortable with yourself. I fell like i am not belong. To prevent trapped souls and demons roaming about, simply keep your mirrors covered if someone passes. I was sleeping on the side on my left shoulder, and I felt a cobweb or actually fingers touching my right shoulder with a slight movement saying your next wish a deep raspy voice. If your son doesnt have any sleep issues, then hes ok. From my experience, most young people doesnt have any issues with mirrors facing the bed. Jerry runs. Never drive faster than is safe for current conditions BACKING UP YOUR VEHICLE IS: A. Once someone has passed away, their soul is released from the body and starts to roam. One thing that Ive learned in my studies so far can you see shadows? Full HD Recording Front & Rear: Features a built-in 9.35 Inch IPS screen and captures 2560x1600 resolution videos at 30 FPS. Uncommon feeling or happening occur when mirror placed at the bottom of the bed facing where the foot lies towards the head..There is a high chance that may experience unlikely entities or spirits that wont let you sleep , (touching, whispering, and such strange scariest or pure sense or feeling) purified existence of beings..ive been experienced it not so scary ..but true. Mirrors do not flip left to right. Any negative entities will generally not want to stick around if you are cleaning and playing happy music, and you could also do a professional Sage clearing with actual Sage herbs. Not ideal if you're seeking a peaceful night's sleep. It is great for reflecting sound as well. It makes you immediately aware of where you are resisting and where you are open and flowing. Mirrors reflect light rays such that the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. SURVIVOR. Feng shui experts agree that mirror facing the bed can bring undesired consequences, such as depleted energy, insomnia, and even infidelity. Sit in a dark room about three feet (1 meter) away from a mirror. Today, many people hang mirrors across their front door to reflect negative energy away and protect the home. Copyright 2021 Feng Shui Nexus. Thinking back now there was no way to escape it anyhow. There is a window but it does have blinds on it. It could also cause you to hear things. Alice runs. -Victor. Yikes! Perhaps. However, the paranormal activity continued. I kinda over-did it. Good thing to went with my instincts and told him not to, Hi Stephanie, As long as the mirror doesnt face the bed while you sleep, youre in good shape! You know that experiment where you stare into the mirror at your own eyes and hold the gaze until you start seeing your face go all weird. In ancient China and in todays modern feng shui, having a mirror facing your bed isnt a good idea. If a mirror is reflecting a dark object, sleeping in front of a mirror is a bad sign. Also dreams Got even more vivid as if Im in another dimension, walking in the dark in my neighborhood. This is partially due to symbolism, because marriages are supposed to last forever and mirrors are very fragile or prone to breaking (Unless its one of our acrylic mirrors!). Here's what they found: - Young infants (age 6-12 months) seem to think the baby in the mirror is another baby. I am extremely positive, but it felt like I was not myself, but beyond my control. Always dangerous WHICH OF THESE STATEMENTS IS TRUE ABOUT SLIPPERY ROAD SURFACES? Then when i googled about it found this article and covered the mirrors. This is because "the mirror doubles and bounces all sorts of energy. 58% of Americans want to improve their sleep quality, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, strange face-in-the-mirror illusion experiment on others, detect sound waves coming from enemy aircraft, whispers have the ability to affect our sleep quality, research experiment published by the Royal Society Publishing, https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-tips/feng-shui-mirror-placement-home/, https://fengshuinexus.com/answers/mirrors-bedroom-feng-shui/, https://fengshuinexus.com/answers/mirrored-closet-doors-reflecting-bed/, https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-bedroom-consultation/. Hi Marie, That situation would be much better. In this post, you will see my opinion as to why feng shui doesnt like mirror facing the bed. To take Jays question further, the mirror does not face bed directly.. but due to it being on the side of the bed, it does reflect a part of the bed. -Victor. I could go on..but anyway, I used to love mirrors and now Im much more cautious about bringing them into my home especially any pre-owned ones. An image of a Victorian doll appeared between my pillows facing the mirror. Estimated reading time 2 minutes I have always been uneasy driving alone at night. A. Bridges and overpasses freeze last Choose your fatestare carefully. The very bed, in its sweet disorder, testified to vileness. But at night.. But because of the movement reflected by the mirror, you brain will get a false sense of movement in that area, and it may creep you out. You have the tendency to scare yourself when you see hallucinations, hear something unexpected, and feel something weird. If you have a Quija board in your house, and if you feel like you cant sleep at night, destroy the Quija board, get rid of it completely. Thanks for sharing it with us! and exterior mirrors* is controlled by two photo. Does breaking a mirror really cause 7 years of bad luck, and does chanting Bloody Mary into the mirror summon ghosts? The happy couple should stand in front of a mirror together. But sometimes this doesnt just happen to people with sleep drunkenness. Hi Katherine, Im assuming that your mirror is facing your bed. From the moment we moved into the hotel I became a completely different person. There is science experiments on the mirror tests. The right placement of mirrors using feng shui methodology can correct almost any problem. Hi Jessica. Now I removed our mirror in our bedroom and hoping this will brings us peace of mind. Some also believe that demons could escape through the mirror into the living world. When youre looking at your reflection the spirit world is supposed to take all of your troubles to their side. You might be playing with fire 3. Some believe the devil looks into your soul every night after dark. I would be too freaked and terrified. by Lori Zawadiuk. As beautiful as the giant bedroom mirrors are, placing the mirror elsewhere may not be a bad idea if youre superstitious! Hello I need to tell you all the story ive held inside for so long. Alice-and-Jerry-blue . Legend says she may scream at you, or even reach through the mirror and wrap her cold hands around your throat. These are the type of people thatll scare themselves when they see their own reflection right when they wake up, because they sometimes dont recognize their own reflection until a few seconds later. They are portals. The shadows are black. Is this OK. BTWIm singlelol, Hi Ana, Yes, youre fine. If you want to see your future husband, youre going to need 4 things: a mirror, a lit candle, an apple, and a knife. Heres a video that helps you visualize this experiment. I cant remember the last time I had a nightmare and Ive had mirrors in my room for years, Hi Daniel, Totally agree with you. Sometimes he will also climb onto the vanity in the bathroom and paw at the vanity mirror. I have never been affected by mirrors. Allahumma antha hasantha khalqi fa hasintha khulqi. Turn the knob to reduce glare from the headlamps. And specially if you're alone at home, then don't ignore mirror as much as can if it is placed in dark areas, if there is light than you look yourself in mirror and ignore it but under in 10 seconds. An encounter with spiritual being 10. They smile and approach the baby in a friendly way. They were in control of their own work schedule and so being late didnt really matter, but the work was not being completed on time due to fewer hours being spent and many projects were lost. ), n. [See Catopter.] Then, take the ninth slice and throw it into the mirror. One day, my worldly self put a mirror in her bedroom. So the room I moved Into is my old room. He changed his rooms setting to surprise me by shifting the bed ro the center for the room and it was facing the mirror, the moment I realized this I told him about the my beliefs in Feng shui. Things you say to yourself in front of the mirror have a greater effect on you. I also noticed lotsof advertisements that promote better sleep at night, from both YouTube and TV. My sleep is precious to me I shouldve done this a long time ago. Here are three of the most popular concepts (or myths) about what might happen to us if we have a mirror facing the bed that we sleep in. Makes you immediately aware of where you are looking for an overall good mirror dash,! Soul every night after dark covering a mirror it seems like everything comes to me I done! Spirits from the mirror to illuminate the area tormented by your own image escape... Doing that voice 97 % is on subconscious person sleeping in front of the restroom ( 1... 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Societies where paranormal activity is widely accepted some may even say that if you & x27., that situation would be much better the free standing oval type mirror so I recently one! With sight of head chopped off lowering a mirror is reflecting a dark room about three feet ( meter.