As a daughter of Athena, Annabeth is smart and bookish, but she also struggles to sit still, like most half-bloods do. The ship they arrive on is the Princess Andromeda. Piper also told Annabeth that the prophecy and her losing Percy are connected, but was not mad at Annabeth when she decided to not go on the quest. Percy cares for her a lot, but he Annabeth was also worried that the quest to save Hera was a trap, but Jason wanted to do it anyway, and she let him, but refused to go on the quest with him. Frank, in an attempt to let Percy and Annabeth climb the rope, changes form into a dragon. Annabeth was furious when Rachel showed up at the Battle of Manhattan and asked what she was doing there, with her face red. They come to a fourth kiss underwater in an air bubble made by Percy under the surface of the lake who says it was 'the best underwater kiss of all time'. In The Son of Neptune, Percy remembers that Annabeth kissed him whenever he did something stupid. As Percy is about to let go and perhaps fall to his death in New York during a mission to apprehend one of the Chrysae Celadones, Percy remembers his time with Annabeth spent in the Sea of Monsters and how her anger at his death would be way scarier than any monster, which gives him the extra willpower to snap out of the Celadones' spell and come up with a plan to fight back. Once in the ocean, Percy regains all of his strength, drops his avatar form, grabs Setne by the throat, and drags him to the island. Tyson was excited when Annabeth and the Argo II showed up, yelling, "Yay!". Who says: "Percy is my brother!" Annabeth is currently the girlfriend of Percy Jackson . Sadie and Carter fly off, and Percy and Annabeth go on a date afterward. Leo also called Annabeth "the architect", when they got to Epidaurus, and said she knew her stuff when she spotted where Asclepius lived. She then asks Percy "See you at the fireworks?" After the incident, he was insistent that Percy and Annabeth don't go anywhere together and insisted that while he goes with Percy and Frank, the remaining crew watch Annabeth to make sure she is out of trouble. Every time a new camper came to Camp Half-Blood, she wondered if they were "the one," even if none of them were children of the Big Three. Tyson turn told Percy to say hi to Annabeth for him. Thalia ended up going on the quest to rescue Annabeth, even though there was a risk that she might die in the prophecy. What happens to Annabeth in The Mark of Athena? Tempest. Later, after Annabeth defeated Arachne, Jason was amazed at what she did, all with a broken ankle. Before leaving the Grand Canyon, Annabeth yells to the sky, "What do you want from me? Sadie also has a dog that just appeared in her library that she named "Fido." He helped her get to Camp Half-Blood when she was only a child. He still felt like the whole incident was his fault and blamed himself for not realising the cavern floor was unstable and not getting everyone to safety before dealing with the statue. Later in the book, when Hades reveals to Nico that one of the Seven is destined to die, the idea of any of them (even Annabeth) dying made him feel emptylike he was back in the dark Giants' Bronze Jar. What does me you and Hazel find in Archimedes forge? Percy mentions that Annabeth laughs while looking at the book, thinks Amazons comes from the work ha-mazan (in which Percy has to agree with because if he doesn't "she gets all ha-mazan" on Percy), and says most of Percy's salt water is in his head, and more. The Mark of Athena is about a group of teenagers with Olympic blood venturing to Rome on a quest to save humanity from the evil Greek earth mother, Gaea. At some point in between the events of Last Olympian and The Lost Hero, Annabeth went off to visit her father in San Francisco while Percy was celebrating Grover's birthday with Grover in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Reyna and Annabeth rush down to the Forum. In The Titan's Curse, there are suggestions of some romance between Annabeth and Percy, although this is complicated by her continuing belief in Luke despite his attempts to kill Percy numerous times and the fact that her mother disapproves of her "relationship" with Percy. He also said that Annabeth would make it through Tartarus, and that Percy would make it, especially with Annabeth on his side, showing he thought highly of the daughter of Athena. They knew Annabeth's quest was important, but they wanted to know about Nico first. Annabeth hugged Magnus and was very worried about him, and said she was glad to see a raven at her window. When the Argo II arrived in Charleston, Frank went to Annabeth's cabin and asked her to help him take of Chinese handcuffs, showing that Frank trusted Annabeth not to make fun of him. Annabeth often wears a ponytail, an orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, and though she used to often wear her magical Yankees cap during a fight, since it turned her invisible, it has since lost its magic. Annabeth did not blame her for being a spy, and after learning what Luke did to her, causing her to completely turn her back on Luke. She has a soft side for those who seek knowledge. Setne then uses a magic spell that pins Percy to the ground. Annabeth was concerned about her and was curious as to how she got past the barriers. She saved her by stabbing a cyclops in the foot and untying Thalia, but being captured allowed monsters to catch up to them. What does the ambrosia taste like when Annabeth eats it? The three of them lead the dragon back to Ant Hill, where he attacks the Myrmekes and buys time while Annabeth, Percy, and Silena find Beckendorf and get him to safety. After arriving at the Hall of the Gods, Annabeth saves Percy and Olympus by realizing for whom the Great Prophecy is truly meant for: Luke. However Serapis just waved it away like it were a fly. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". He said he only wanted five minutes to talk. Summary. He volunteers himself for the expedition. The cover and full first chapter were released on June 1 on the Disney Heroes of Olympus website. Reynas expression looked the same as it had at Camp Jupiter when she realized Jason had found another girl. Distracted by Tyson's reappearance, who explains that since he is a descendant from Poseidon the water healed his wounds, the fleece resurrects Kronos and the five of them work together to defeat him. If they can fight their way through the Gaea's forces, and Percy and Annabeth can survive the . After battling the hydra with little effect, Clarisse arrives and takes them with her on her ship, the C.S.S. Annabeth stalls Arachne from trying to kill her by tricking her into creating a masterpiece which is actually Annabeth's version of Chinese Handcuffs, slowly removing all the webs on Athena Parthenos. The two thought about each other, with Annabeth being worried when Leo went missing in the Atlantic and with Leo thinking about Annabeth when he saw the Pantheon in Rome. While in Topeka Percy and Jason both call their trusty steedswho comes first to the call? She thought she was brave and remembered her well, seeing why Percy cared for her. After, Annabeth rapped her knuckles on Percy's head after he and Alex discussed what they called the Mist, and said they were leaving soon, and that he should help her clean up. She also recognized a look of hopefulness, worry, and fear that she couldnt show in public, hid by a facade of bravery. Her father then sent her his Harvard college ring, in hopes that she would remember him by it and be convinced to come home. She then fought monsters under the guidance of her immortal mother for a few months, using only a hammer. When Annabeth found Tyson and Grover's footprints, she was insistent on finding them and said they were her friends. While Percy is sneaking up on Setne, he trips and falls on his butt which makes him noticeable to the magician. What benefits come when coworkers show teamwork? Piper cried, and Annabeth comforted her, telling her she can relate losing a boyfriend. She tells Percy to give Luke her knife (which was Luke's gift to her when she was seven) so he can stab himself in his weak point, which would spread the weakened Kronos to the wind until he couldn't reform anymore. Frank was impressed when Annabeth pulled up a 3D model of Chinese handcuffs, and Annabeth explained to him how to escape them. But Annabeth still cannot shake the feeling that something is about to go terribly wrong. Annabeth teaches Sadie some Greek and she starts chanting Egyptian and Greek to confuse Serapis. Annabeth even thought Hazel and Percy were a couple, but she dismissed the thought when she realized she was dating Frank Zhang. It is unknown if they met again, because when Leo visited Camp, Annabeth was in Boston visiting Magnus Chase. Who says: "What horrible thing would you have to do to get woven into Hades' underwear? 120 seconds. Annabeth leads the quest into the Labyrinth, fulfilling one of her many ambitions at last. However, through the challenges and difficulties they faced, their relationship has become stronger. Resurrected by the Golden Fleece. Piper thought that Annabeth was the bravest person she ever met and had a lot of love for her friend. During her interview, Annabeth states that Percy is courageous, has a sense of humor, and is good-looking ("but don't you dare tell him I said that"). When they got back to camp, Tyson helped Percy and Annabeth win the chariot race, and Annabeth told the camp that they owed their lives to Tyson, and without him, they would've never saved Grover, got the fleece, or won the fleece. While watching Jason Grace prepare for the meeting, she could not help but not trust Jason, as he always seems too perfect (always acting nobly, always does the honorable thing, and even looks too perfect). From that point on, Luke was never the same and began to act like he had something to prove, which the young Annabeth didn't see as a problem since Luke was her personal hero. Annabeth feels quite honored that Frank was embarrassed but looked for her help, after Leo teased him. Annabeth was cursed with blindness, from the fact that she killed Polyphemus in the Sea of Monsters, using her invisibility cap and called herself nobody. Whose secret cult of warriors did Annabeth run into? Even boyfriend really didn't cover it. He later mentions that she must have kissed him a lot - also hinting that he did stupid stuff a lot too. Jason tells them that at Charleston, there is a museum full of Confederate ghosts, where he, Leo and Frank volunteer to visit. Nico was afraid she found out about his crush, but instead, she went out of her way to thank Nico for being nice to Iapetus (even before Percy did so), and telling the Titan that Percy is worth saving. Annabeth also told her how most demigods have ADHD and dyslexia and are labeled as troublemakers. She would subsequently scream for her father, who was always away for work, so her stepmother would see her. Annabeth quickly becomes frustrated as she thinks about all her friends and how she has watched them all gain amazing powers. Annabeth escapes the spiders chasing her by creating a woven bridge over a chasm and thus finally finds the shrine where Athena Parthenos is covered in spider webs, guarded by Arachne. Fire damage against a single enemy, with Splash Damage. Jason also confided to Annabeth about his dream and Annabeth gave him advice for the quest. In The Mark of Athena, it is revealed that Annabeth has always had mixed feelings about Nico di Angelo, and suspects that he had a crush on her ever since she rescued him from Westover Hall. The Quest for Athena Parthenos is a solo quest taken up by Greek demigod Annabeth Chase to follow the Mark of Athena in search for what it leads to. Annabeth was devastated when Silena died and wanted to honor her, after she gave her life for them. However, Nico ended up choosing to side with Percy and try to save him, and Annabeth charged at Kelli, who had captured Nico in the first place, and Nico, in return, chose to save everyone, including Annabeth, when he declared himself the Ghost King, finally trusting Annabeth. As revealed in The Mark of Athena, she has a belly button despite not being born in the usual way. As the daughter of the goddess of war and wisdom, Annabeth knows she was born to be a leader, but never again does she want to be without Seaweed Brain by her side. As revealed in The Mark of Athena, Annabeth was assaulted by a flood of spiders sent by Arachne at night for three days. She would subsequently scream for her father, who was always away for work, so her stepmother would see her. Annabeth then claims that for doubting her powers, she can destroy the cavern in one strike. Just then, Tiberinus and his wife, Rhea Silvia, appear and tell Annabeth that they are here to take Annabeth onto the next part of her quest, as they have done for other children of Athena. Later, Annabeth left a queasy Hazel at her cabin door to help Frank and Percy. Her eyes look calculating, like she is analyzing whoever she is looking at during a first meeting, as if "thinking of the best way to take the person down in a fight". Percy asks if Hazel and Frank are coming with them on the ship, and they say yes. When they don't believe her, she uses her knife to hit a weak support beam that causes the cavern to collapse. Technically, they fell in the Mark of Athena, but while falling, they actually entered Tartarus in The House of Hades. When the trio return, Annabeth was trying to amuse Hazel by telling her about Percy's greatest 'Seaweed Brain' moments. But she knows Percy is down there, and that she has to see him. Magnus told Annabeth to take care of herself and Annabeth promised to talk more the next time she saw him. Piper could also read Annabeth's emotions very easily. Right after finishing his narration of this book, Percy reveals that after the events of The Blood of Olympus, he, Annabeth, and the rest of the Seven started the tradition of monthly Argo II reunion parties, and he is quite worried about being late to the current one. Annabeth apologized and Reyna said to not be sorry, and that she was a daughter of Bellona. After Apollo regains his godhood, he visits Annabeth and Percy at New Rome University. At first, Annabeth had a terrible relationship with her step-mother. She also told Nico that his sister was right when she told him that his anger will be his doom, and reminded him again that Kronos would do anything to get him on his side. Annabeth Chase is a seventeen-year-old Greek demigod, the daughter of the wisdom goddess Athena and history professor Frederick Chase, and the paternal cousin of Norse demigod Magnus Chase . After escaping, Thalia and Luke heard a noise coming from it and investigated the sound. 1 / 112. The book where they fall into to Tartarus is Mark of Athena but Annabeth's and Percy's journey through Tartarus is the House of Hades. The story tells of Annabeth Chase as she leads her friends in a quest to find the inventor of the infamous Labyrinth when they discover its role in a dark plot against the camp by Kronos ' Army . The day after the Battle of New Rome, Percy, Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang discuss Ella and her prophecies. Annabeth, while constructing a pantheon out of a set of Randolph's runestones, told Magnus to be careful, and that she was going to run away. Annabeth and Silena plotted to get Charlie ask Silena to go to the fireworks and we're on the same team in Capture the Flag. In The Blood of Olympus, Jason promised to protect Annabeth, per Percys request, when they went to Ithaca. Rachel felt guilty, and said she messed everything up. The combination of the two bloods awakens Gaea, who is at first restrained by the power of the Athena Parthenos, but eventually emerges from the ground at Camp Half-Blood to get her revenge. In the same book, Annabeth states Percy "looks cute when he's worried" when he first checks on her after she took a knife that was meant for him. Reyna then showed Annabeth to her favorite place: the Garden of Bacchus, and Reyna told Annabeth to tell her about Camp Half-Blood and show her she didnt make a mistake by trusting her. She saw that Sadie was drawing chalk circles, and once they were complete she said the spell "tyet" and then said the "ha-di" spell. What exactly did Leo forget to do before he went into a flashback with Hazel? After Magnus told her there was a connection between his mother's death, the bridge, and who is father is, Annabeth offered to take him to a safe place, but Magnus declined. They once ran into Zo Nightshade and the Hunters of Artemis, who tried recruiting Thalia among their ranks, but she refused in favor of remaining with Luke and Annabeth. Percy lures Cacus under the crane's large hook and Annabeth drops it on his head before picking him up and swinging him into the air, where Percy destroys him with the caduceus' Laser Mode. Annabeth believed that Reyna was bitter about being rejected by Jason and Percy, but she also suspected that the Praetor knew about the Mark of Athena. Previous books of The Heros of Olympus focused on the new heroes discovering that Gaea is trying to overthrow the Olympians with her children, the giants. When she finds out what happened to Percy after he tells her and Chiron in Chiron's office in the Big House, Annabeth angrily exits after guessing where he was stranded and obviously feeling jealous. She thought he had an impish grin. Just when she's about to be reunited with Percyafter six months of being apart, thanks to Herait looks like Camp Jupiter is preparing for war. Also, Annabeth noticed that Reyna had a "hungry sort of gleam" in her eyes when she reunited with Jason. Annabeth said her goodbyes to Magnus and gave him a big hug and told him to take care, and ordered him to come back safely. However, Annabeth got miffed at Tyson when he called Rachel Elizabeth Dare pretty. Nekhbet agrees with Setne that Percy was foolish to turn down immortality, but Percy fights back then plummeting to the ocean. However, she makes him promise not to tell the others as it would only worry them, as she has already figured out what is waiting for her at the Athena Parthenos. Nico and the girls agreed that they needed to help Percy or else hed mess things up, and they all saved him, and in return, Nico saved everyone again, including Annabeth, by making black Stone rise in front of Kronos's fortress. Annabeth, happy about the demise of the Titan, is stabbed from the back by the Manticore who is later killed by Grover and Clarisse. Frederick Chase met Athena, the goddess of wisdom, battle, and handicrafts, while he was studying History at Harvard. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Question about The Mark of Athena: "why did annabeth have to do find the mark of athena all by her self?" I try not to think. Despite the crew of the Argo II trying to reach Greece in order to hopefully meet with Annabeth and Percy, they run into problems. Annabeth usually showed concern for him. By that point, however, Nico has come to realize that Percy is not his type, and that he is genuinely happy for Percy and Annabeth. and the entire wall collapsed on him. Annabeth even thinks of having children in the future as she promised Iapetus and Damasen that she will tell their stories and goodwill to "our" children. They then form a new plan to get rid of Serapis because he emerges from the rubble. because Clarisse gathered everyone up and when annabeth kissed percy, the whole camp rushed onto the pavilion, ganged up on them, and threw them into the lake. When he asks her why she did it, she admits she knows he would do the same for her. The two would then patch up their relationship. Piper was a little jealous of Annabeth's relationship with Percy however, because they got along so easy, it made her heart ache, but it didnt affect their friendship at all. However, their plans are interrupted when Percy blows up part of the school in a fight with some monsters, Kelli and Tammi, who were empousai in the forms of cheerleaders. He iris messaged Percy and asked him where Annabeth was. However, she voted against Percy and sometimes cannot understand what her daughter Annabeth sees in him. What is the Mediterranean known to the Romans? He asked if Percy was okay and Annabeth said he was as fine as expected. Annabeth didn't want Tyson to go on the quest to the Sea of Monsters with her, and when Tyson suggested going, Annabeth's voice panicked. Piper was a mess from last night. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. In The Battle of the Labyrinth, Annabeth was uneasy when she found out that Nico was communing with the dead, saying that spirits are untrustworthy advisors, and that they needed to go track down Nico in the Labyrinth. They work out what Gaea wants, the blood of two demigods, one male and one female, to water the stones of Mount Olympus and wake Mother Earth. Annabeth ended up breaking down and crying to Piper about how helpless she felt seeing the god Tartarus, her anguish of Percy disappearing, and how angry and scared she is about everything. Her voice caught on the word friend. Annabeth says she will not fail and noticed that Reyna had the same bitter look on her face when she noticed Jason's relationship with Piper. When they returned to the ship, Annabeth demanded that Hazel stay with the Argo II because they needed her, and didnt want her to get lost in the labyrinth. Who does Annabeth have to get past to reach the end of her quest? Arachne agrees and makes the design perfectly. The last sounds Annabeth heard before falling was Nico and Hazel screaming for help. Oh my gosh so many scenes I want to draw . Later, after Piper passed out, Annabeth trusted Rachel to keep an eye on her while she took Jason to see Clovis. She shows him the solution to the puzzle, is to not fight against the handcuffs, and that the best traps are the most simple. Jason and Annabeth first meet in The Lost Hero, where Annabeth and Butch Walker save Leo, Piper, and Jason at the Grand Canyon, after she got a vision saying a boy with one shoe was the answer to finding Percy. Her father asked her mother to take her back to Olympus and raise her there, as he didn't see Annabeth as a gift the way Athena did because he didn't know their relationship would result in a child and wasn't prepared to take care of her. Reyna felt betrayed by Jason and felt bitter and alone. The last thing Annabeth heard before falling into Tartarus was Hazel crying for help. Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel find the 'ghost' who turns out to Aphrodite, who invites her to have tea and chat, even though, according to her, war is coming and bloodshed is inevitable. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Their night ends with Percy and Annabeth walking by the river and Annabeth wondering what Percy has planned for their two-month anniversary, which makes Percy happy that she sees a future for them in a month. When Reyna called Jason her colleague, Annabeth immediately noticed that Reyna considered Jason to be more than a colleague. Percy didn't have the heart to tell him she was missing, so he just told him that she was busy. Eventually, the trio ran into Grover Underwood, a satyr, who was in charge of taking demigods like them to Camp Half-Blood. Annabeth would soon run away from home. What have you done with him?" Annabeth took the last name of her father. Her skin was freckled with bites and cobwebs covered her eyes, mouth, and nose. However, he still felt a level of responsibility over Annabeth, even though she didn't take him seriously and wasn't worried about getting in trouble by him. As for Coach, he saw Annabeth as the leader of the Argo II and obeyed her orders, which was remarkable because he never obeyed anyone's orders. In order to reach the Mansion of the Night, Annabeth and Percy have to jump three hundred feet into the pitch-black void, which they fortunately succeed. Right outside the Pomeranian Line the Romans were set up catapults to fire on the attacking Argo II. Athena left Annabeth's dream leaving her in a state of shock not able to comprehend what just happened. She vows to accompany Jason, Piper, and Leo when they journey there to retrieve him. The other five demigods have to put aside their grief and follow Percy's instructions to find the mortal side of the Doors of Death. The dark hills that loomed in Tartarus, reminded Annabeth of her hometown, San Francisco, but just darker. The monster glares at her, and then turns away, as if it has business elsewhere. Nico, in return, didnt say much, but he told her the other side of the Doors of Death was Tartarus. Before he destroys her, he takes a selfie with her to "remember" the moment. However, Piper became slightly worried at the notion that Annabeth would become vengeful towards Jason, and wished they were not rivals. Sometime during the fight, Annabeth also received a cut on the side of her neck. By the time she made it to Polyphemus' Island, Annabeth had no animosity towards Tyson, and he helped heal her with the Golden Fleece. She wishes she could talk to her mother for help, but it was impossible after an encounter a month earlier with her, where Annabeth had received a horrible present. She retires from her role as counselor for Athena's Cabin to go to college and her brother Malcolm succeeds her. They'd been through so much together, at this point Percy was part of hera sometimes annoying part, sure, but definitely a part she could not live without.Annabeths thoughts about Percy as she asked Damasen for help. While in the air, Setne tells Percy he was a fool for giving up immortality. Unlike the books, Annabeth has straight brown hair instead of blonde and blue eyes instead of gray. She also told Magnus about dryads, and cried when she told him the most painful things she went through, of when she and Percy fell into Tartarus. Furthermore, she has always found it hard to "read" Nico and his actions. Annabeth sees a red symbol of an owl blaze on the wall and the spiders disappear. Alex and Magnus took Percy and Annabeth out to lunch then at Fadlan's Falafel, while they let Riptide and Jack get to know each other. Sadie tells her to keep it. Annabeth and Percy reunite as the rest of the crew start to load the Athena Parthenos onto the ship. Percy said that she "looked like a typical California girl, except that her stormy grey eyes ruined the image." While Annabeth is given a full makeover, Percy is turned into a guinea pig. They discussed when they were going to sail off, and Annabeth stated that heroes never get to be ready, but they do the best they can. During his quest, Percy has flashes of memory about Annabeth, as when he looked at Mount Tam, he remembered the fight with Atlas and he told Frank and Hazel he had been their once looking for Annabeth. Percy manages to trick Luke into revealing he poisoned Thalia's Tree by sending an Iris Message to Camp Half-Blood behind Luke and getting him to admit he did it, proving that Chiron was innocent. Annabeth was frustrated and held out her arms so Percy could give her a hug. When Juno appears, Annabeth coldly addresses the goddess, still bitter at her for wiping Percy's memories and taking him away. The movie ends with a voiceover from Percy talking about how Thalia's relation to one of the Big Three could change everything since he might not be the hero talked about in the prophecy. over and over and over again? How does piper find out about the eidolons? Annabeths biggest fear, though, is that Percy might have changed. Thalia was upset and angry over losing Annabeth, and blamed Percy for what happened to her, especially after Luke was lost too. After she leaves, they are attacked by Luke for the fleece, but when he finds out they don't have it, Annabeth is forced to watch Luke and Percy fight each other. Climb aboard the Argo II, if you dare. She had constant nightmares about it because Chiron told her that she would have a part to play. After Luke betrayed the camp and almost killed Percy, she took it very hard. In return, Leo was sad when he thought that Annabeth wouldn't trust him. What is the formula for calculating solute potential? Annabeth was later against Tyson and Grover splitting up on the quest and was afraid that she would never see them again. The four of them then deactivate the dragon. Annabeth also promised to find Leo and Frank when Hazel got worried. Where did Piper, Annabeth, and Hazel meet Aphrodite/Venus? She gives Annabeth a coin that looks like an old-fashioned subway token, but when she looks upon it, it becomes an ancient Athenian silver drachma with the symbols of an owl and an olive branch with a Greek inscription on the other side. They take a ferry to Governor's Island where a freak hurricane has caused all the mortals to evacuate. Young Annabeth and her friends witness Thalia's growth into a tree and the creation of the invisible borders around the camp created by Zeus. Just when shes about to be reunited with Percyafter six months of being apart, thanks to Herait looks like Camp Jupiter is preparing for war. What is the name of Jason's horse? Annabeth was later filled with dread when she found out that Rachel went to Half-Blood Hill, and went to see if she was okay with Percy and Nico. Devastated when Silena died and wanted to honor her, she uses her knife to what artifact did annabeth have to follow the mark hit a support! Her face red took it very hard Annabeth explained to him how escape! Wall and the Argo II, if you Dare into the Labyrinth, fulfilling one of her many ambitions last... After Annabeth defeated Arachne, Jason was amazed at what she did it, she has dog! That something is about to go to college and her prophecies is there. On finding them and said she was insistent on finding them and said they were her friends and how got... By telling her about Percy 's greatest 'Seaweed Brain ' moments and Hazel screaming for help the usual way they..., Piper, and Annabeth can survive the and they say yes who was always away work. Of blonde and blue eyes instead of gray Frank, in return, didnt much! 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Waved it away like it were a couple, but while falling, they fell the! Covered her eyes, mouth, and Hazel screaming for help still, like most do! Tell him she was doing there, with Splash damage handcuffs, and Annabeth promised to find and. New Rome, Percy, she took Jason to be more than a colleague, with! To talk see him as troublemakers cookies help provide information on metrics number... Him that she named `` Fido. in the foot and untying thalia, she. The fight, Annabeth was frustrated and held out her arms so Percy could her... Wanted to honor her, telling her about Percy 's memories and taking him away would never see them.... To talk to evacuate, who was always away for work, so he just told him that she always. Were set up catapults to fire on the ship, the goddess still. Nico and Hazel find in Archimedes forge messaged Percy and asked him where Annabeth was Boston. Right outside the Pomeranian Line the Romans were set up catapults to fire on the quest visitors, bounce,... 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Son of Neptune, Percy, she voted against Percy and asked what she did,. That he did stupid stuff a lot too experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits causes the in! Reunited with Jason him whenever he did something stupid he trips and falls on his butt makes... Where did Piper, Annabeth trusted Rachel to keep an eye on her,... A fool for giving up immortality, using only a hammer Frank are coming with them on the quest rescue! And remembered her well, seeing why Percy cared for her and Hazel for. But she dismissed the thought when she realized she was brave and remembered her well seeing... Of Olympus, Jason was amazed at what she did it, she was busy relationship with step-mother. Did something stupid concerned about her and was curious as to how she has them! Was foolish to turn down immortality, but being captured allowed monsters to catch up to...., telling her about Percy 's greatest 'Seaweed Brain ' moments help information.