Whenever we see war, we see Uranus, because it describes shock. Yet another cover up! The old world economy, the one that was destroying the world, is on its last legs in 2022 and 2023. What we do know is that Russia as a one-man dictatorship ended in March 2023 and history in 2024. With great desire! 200+ Popular Songs for Instagram Reels [Update 2022]! So the circle turns. Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. We have just seen 'neutral' Switzerland stop being neutral. I just joined your association for that. Between January 1st and February 7th 2022, transiting Uranus at 10 Taurus was exactly trine the Ukraine Uranus position at 10 Capricorn. While war may indeed be likely, dire predictions abound which underestimate the Ukrainian people. This is happening now with Ukraine. You are a Libra Sun in factors 26 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finances natally. Thanks. I pray for his life, that this hero continues to live long !!! Thank you. Anand even thinks it is a blessing in disguise, because he feels that according to the previous economic trend, there will be a much bigger wealth gap. And thank you, for your appreciation. I have also seen these headlines and would like to provide you with information related to your concerns. Craig Hamilton-Parker made another prophecy 12 days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on February 12, and this time he predicted the course of this aggressive war and the time of its final end. When Russian forces invaded Feb. 24, Ukraine found itself in a vulnerable position when it came to artillery ammunition supplies, due to a damaging sabotage campaign over several years. Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful, Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808, Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy. This is a Taurus-Scorpio-Aquarius cycle, so people power (mass boycotts and the unleashing of the Magnitsky Law) will work wonders. Eastern Ukraine has a higher share of people (45%) who see themselves as 'one people' with Russians compared to western Ukraine, but even there, it is not a majority view like in Russia (64%). His first house is with planet Venus in it. Thanks. Thank you for describing the situation in Ukraine, I support it with all my being and suffer from it 24 hours a day. Many of these predictions have provento be true. they are turning away anyone of color. So she must be there too. As we approach the one year anniversary of the full scale invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainians are bracing for another 300,000 to 500,000 Russian soldiers who are preparing for an impending attack. He wants to move to Europe. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. So there is a karmic deal ahead. Gently. Before that point, you will likely see some hurdles to overcome, so I recommend that you both take a look at your cards, as the decisions are yours. With Finland we also go back to 1938 and of course in 1938 the Nazi-Soviet pact led to the Soviet invasion of Finland with courageous resistance. Only when you have the time and space, and take screenshots. Pluto is absolute power, absolutely corruptive. This unjust war is about contrasting values and a contrasting way of life. You express yourself through your work ethic, workload, lifestyle, housework and your health and well-being, physical condition and mental health. Both militaries are burning through thousands of artillery rounds a day and are facing challenges to secure more supplies to keep up the fight. Thank you for your clear view on the current state of affairs. The U.S. secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said last week that he saw no signs that the Russian government was engaging in good-faith efforts to end the war, a day after France's counterpart . looked. You can find this story in Search. There is a lot of nonsense about the return of Donald Trump. You will feel so much better when you have an outlet for your body chemistry. The world would face a global food shortage. The answer to your question is actually in the next new birth chart that we are going to set up for Ukraine and that depends on the agreement that it makes with the European Union and/or NATO. The struggle for ammunition pits Russias defense industry largely isolated by Western sanctions against Ukraines war-damaged economy and its supporters in NATO. I would also like to know about Zelenksi? Estonia was obviously annexed by Russia in 1940, so since we're repeating 1938 karma, it seems Russia owes it. 2023 prediction for world? Many people want Pluto in Capricorn to disappear. I also admire the way you connect us with non-astrological topics to justify or clarify your prediction. Bakhmut, the longest-running battle of Russia's invasion, has truly turned into a big political and symbolic prize in the Ukraine war. Russia has fallen and will continue to fall when Uranus at 11 Taurus passes over Saturn at 11 Taurus. I guess this is done to scare NATO, but I could be serious. whichever side can produce the most ammunition, Russia steps up attacks against Ukraine, targeting power grid, Moscows forces have run through stockpiles, Putin stokes fears, raises prospect of nuclear strike, Dozens of countries meet to pledge aid for Ukraine during winter months, Zelenskyy visits liberated city of Kherson. It can, in fact, change the laws. Thanks. In fact, that's what it's all about. Ukraine also continues to ask for more advanced and longer-range systems, includingATACM long-range missiles,F-16 fighter jets and Abrams tanks. Baba Vanga died in the year 1996 at the age of 85 but some of her predictions about the world continue to come true, baffling people every now and then. Even when there are financial difficulties (for example, during a global financial crisis), you are always helped and given what you need. I never forgot my trip to Moscow, it was like Alice in Wonderland going down the rabbit hole, but in awe. And then on the Russian side, how well can their defense industrial base really perform?. Because I wrote in German. As Putin moves Russian troops toward Ukraine, Steven Pifer weighs the substantial costs for Russia of a full-scale invasion, and the possibilities for dialogue to de-escalate the current situation. Could you please answer in general for everyone's benefit, how this Uranus and north node in Taurus will affect Scorpio moon signs and Scorpio stellium people? Ukraine war: Ukraine can absolutely win against Russia - Blinken. Do you believe that? And these students are from various African countries, India, Morocco, Turkey, etc. Ukraine's real victory is not on the battlefield, but . I would also like to know how Finland and Sweden will manage these few years. That said, theres not much evidence of a larger additional Russian force in the waiting.. Something else must be behind the curtain. thank you for your detailed interpretation of this situation, it seems very realistic. About Romania, what can you say in the context of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? The former official said Russia has been reduced to using less sophisticated stupid bombs, and short of resorting to nuclear weapons is nearly depleted of capabilities. Pluto can come in all sorts of ways. Thank you very much. Transiting Uranus on Taurus 11 was conjunct natal Saturn on Taurus 11. Despite last years mobilisation, analysts such as Phillips OBrien of St Andrews University believe Russian capabilities are degraded by the war and that those expecting a rerun of the initial invasion last year are wrong. He is using mercenaries and the so-called local "militia". I understand why you can't read, watch or see anything else about Russia's war against Ukraine right now. ). ) Your predictions are correct!What do you think of the Czech Republic (formerly known as Czechoslovakia)? I have some questions:1. Thanks for this article. We usually put these things behind us because nobody wants to keep going back to the Dieppe raid and other Canadian losses of the war; It is so difficult. Very, very local, not global, and decided by region, by town, by county, by city. I am from Eastern Europe with Ukrainian and Russian roots now living in the United States. It could hinge on which side can secure enough artillery ammunition Russia is using 50-year-old ammunition and dismantling breast pumps. This generation of Russian millennials was born with the outer planets in Aquarius, the sign of popular power. Now keep reading. How will the war between Russia and Ukraine affect the stock markets? Our generation has experienced 2-3 recessions, a pandemic and now this new cold war. But Ukraine, as the EUs head of foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, warned recently, is heavily dependent on the west for arms, including artillery ammunition, which has exposed a potential vulnerability for Kyiv in the east, where artillery has dominated the battles. Later, of course, Estonia was occupied by Germany. So the issue is not so much refugees as pandering/making peace with a dictator. So, on 24 June 2022, I headlined "Biden forces Russia to retake all of Ukraine" and I closed by saying and will also close here: "In order for the U.S. to win this conflict, the entire world will have to accept rule by America's Government (i.e., being a U.S. 'ally'). I feel that reading this site has helped me a lot, not only to learn more about Astrology and Tarot but also to find peace of mind in the articles you have written in difficult times like now.I feel as if I have been held by the hand and comforted. Baba Vanga also said that Russia will remove everyone from its path and rule the world. I would rather be in Ukraines position with the full backing of the NATO alliance.. In astrology, these events leave very long traces and the Czechs are due on some level. The blind psychic, Baba Vanga who predicted Russia's invasion of Ukraine, has also said that Russian president, Vladimir Putin will become "Lord of the World". Thank you very much. You can also see the global reach of Russian gas (for example) and laundry. They match the Russia-Belarus chart. The zodiac sign he passes through shows where all the control is. It will deliver everything we never expected, so it is a good idea to be agile, flexible and light. Germany is on its way to that shutdown because it is paying a high price for its sanctions against Russia, right? The Frenchman, who has accurately predicted some major world events during the 16th century, believed that the current conflict in Eastern Europe could spark a "great war". The Ukraine graph shows a conflict between the president and the party, but also the EU, NATO, the United Nations, so it's a difficult year for him. Simple. I'm a Scorpio, Nov 6, 1961 9 pm (GMT+8). You could live your values then, helping animals or the environment, or social justice. The stranger is the UK. Western countries are increasingly concerned about Russia's invasion despite sanctions. I was amazed and grateful for his work. Right now, just using the chart that we have, I think the answer to your question is: when enough of the global economy has been transformed. The rubble was nearly cleaned up, but the gaping multi-story hole left a knot in my stomach. It's difficult for many people in the West to understand the incredible scale of this war, but it shouldn't be difficult to understand why Ukraine will never surrender and why Ukraine will ultimately win. I decided to take from your post that this is a massive world political shift for the better. Maybe a combination of kickboxing, Tai Chi, yoga, Pilates, wild swimming, running, soccer, etc. When you get to the end of Pluto in Capricorn and the third of the Uranus in Taurus mark, you get 2022-2023, which is the end of the game for many stock markets. Western officials say the package along with European aid should cover Ukraines needs through the next six to nine months. I have felt the hard times personally as a British citizen.As a premium member, may I ask why Pluto hit me so hard? You are solely responsible for what you post. In the last eleven months, I've been to Ukraine on three separate occasions. If Finland commits to the Aquarian ideal of brotherhood and brotherhood, then the tyrannical individual (Putin) really has no hope. I don't see any comments on Joe Biden. Unfortunately, the worst may not be over. When you are so isolated it is very difficult to do something of great importance; this figure is also easy to attack from behind. If your leadership is involved in money laundering and/or the dark side of Swiss banks, there will be necessary shakes and turns by 2023. When you say "nothing will be safe", you are right. The vast amount of weapons and ammunition expended in Ukraine has prompted Pentagon leaders to re-examine Americas contingency plans and stockpiles in the case of future conflicts, and to consider whether weve done the right math, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said atThe Wall Street Journals CEO Council Summit in Washington last week. They can be domestic flights within the United States, or simply Amtrak, travel by car, bus or subway, etc. A Ukrainian soldier carries empty artillery cartridge cases along the front line in the vicinity of Bakhmut in the Donetsk region on Saturday. Europe has already won. The North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio, the signs of the economy, mirror each other in 2022 and 2023. The Russian Federation wants everyone to think that this war is about contested regions, alleged persecution of native Russian speakers and military threats on the border. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Be specific about what you need to know and when. The Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has pointed to increased Russian efforts in the east as evidence that a new offensive has begun, but others see it as a continuation of efforts that have been going on for months. One view of fighting in the east the hottest sector in the conflict is that increased Russian efforts around the city of Bakhmut amount to so-called shaping operations for a future offensive, perhaps in the spring. Congratulations on your son. When we look at the astrological charts of nuclear aggression, we find Cancer, the zodiac sign that rules territories, borders, patriotism, nationalism, land grabbing, but also families, entire cities, and invasions. I am from Estonia and we are neighbors of Russia. For the day. Canada owes good karma since 1938 together with the Commonwealth countries, although until then it was independent. It also has a lot to do with the birth rate, since people tend not to have children when mortgages are so problematic. It could even be about territory, since land value is, of course, part of Taurus/Scorpio. The map of Norway relates to the other birth charts I have seen of Sweden, Lithuania, Moldova, etc. The most pivotal stories and debates for Europeans from identity to economics to the environment. My mom just corrected me saying that I was born at 7:25 am. In addition, legacies and wills. Ukraine has captured 548 Russian tanks, including T-64, T72 and T-80s. Is this concern part of my sign and is it justified? There is a lot of nonsense online about 'World War 3' and Russia. At this stage it doesnt seem that Russia has employed reserves, and is likely using those units to replace casualties, or perhaps waiting for a breakthrough to exploit. It was also based on money laundering, which explains the exorbitant property prices in London and other cities. U.S. defense officialssaidlast month that Russia is burning through a staggering 20,000 rounds a day, and Ukraine about 4,000 to 7,000 a day. Could you tell me what will happen to the ruble? How do you protect yourself? Vladimir Putin chose to do this in the throes of Pluto in Capricorn, as you say. I could call this year and the next a necessary detox. Peaceful human beings shouldn't live in fear of torture, rape, and other war crimes. By posting a comment, you give Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited explicit and irrevocable permission to post your comment, including your name. The situation that will prevail during this conflict. 6. Russia Ukraine War Prediction :- As I've already predicted on 28 december 2021 that there will be maximum chances of experiencing too good or too bad result for capricorn ascendant chart native or those whose Capricorn sign falls 6 or 8 or 12 houses from ascendant specially 27 february to 1 . Russia has more than 300 banks in the system and even if only the top-ranking Russian banks are removed, it would be quite a financial disaster for the country. Thanks. Hi Jessica,I've been reading everything I can about what you predicted for cryptocurrency and all your answers to questions about that as well. Political astrology. Later, Craig Hamilton-Parker also predicted the election of Trump and the global outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, earning him the title of contemporary Nostradamus.. It forms the Malavya Yoga in his birth chart and explains the power and charisma he possesses. You have ties to these people and that land, and with Jupiter going to 11 Taurus any time soon (once Putin is history and Russia slowly starts thinking about relaunching), you'll be very lucky financially (assuming your time of birth is accurate). Finally, we have an eclipse at 10 Taurus, just one degree away from Russia's Saturn at 11 Taurus, on Saturday, April 30. On the plus side, the world will lose gasoline, coal, gas, and gain electricity and solar power. I left a lot of problems in Brazil and haven't been back since I came to Europe (6 years ago), but I can't say that my life here was easy (or never easy). Craig Hamilton-Parkers reputation in the UK only grew after the turn of the millennium. Luck would be on your side then. They are also in opposition, so there is tension, difficulty, challenge fraught with obstacles. Craig Hamilton-Parker is a famous psychic who successfully predicted the election of Trump as the president of the United States in 2016, and also predicted that a virus would sweep the world in 2020. Later Poland was, but even then some countries remained neutral (Switzerland) or did not rush to help (America). Turkey has provided drones, and countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, and Romania have also sent weapons, ammunition, and other military supplies to Ukraine. Russia was born in its latest version with these factors. Consider that Russian military intervention in Syria began just days after . The views expressed in this article are the writer's own. This is exciting. Work with Uranus in Taurus. Just like fossil fuel. There will be other amazing drops through 2026. He believes that Ukraine created after its disintegration from Russia is a mere puppet in the hands of the forces of the West. Published. This brings us back to rent and mortgage, since for most people, co-financing is about sharing payments or a lease. We had them in World War I and World War II, but they're not there now. I like the optimism that this tragic event will bring to the end, but anxiety is definitely running high right now. In fact, it's accepting refugees, as you saw on the news. All this you predicted long before and rest assured, the stars are doing their job. She had a high success rate as much as 85 per cent according to various reports. This is a professional, academic, or non-profit relationship (sometimes a high-status "business" marriage) involving someone or something that requires a lot of self-control to manage. He Raised when the nukes went on high alert!Your article has taken away a lot of anxiety and I am ready to start allowing myself to look to the future. To fuel its war effort, Russia is now drawing on stockpiles of 40- to 50-year-old ammunition, including 152 mm artillery rounds that are in short supply,four current U.S. officials and one former official said. Thanks. The tide began to turn two years ago and it will turn in favor of the Russians who deserve better from March 2023, with new leadership from then on. You are psychic and can probably read clouds and ink stains on the wall. Thanks. Yes, it will be like Afghanistan in some respects. Maybe an ex, or someone else in grief or grief, partners can be both professional and sexual. He plays more Pussy Riot. Examining the ephemeris of other (relatively rare) historical cycles in Taurus and/or Scorpio, the sign that rules mortgages, we find the lunar nodes there in 2022, 2023. What we are seeing is purely financial. Jupiter (the, Covid astrology in 2023 The most critical period for Covid-19, as we still call it, is approaching in March 2023. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). But Biden did make it clear that he would not send in any troops, which is the same position as other European countries. Next, we find that the True South Node rapidly transitions to 7, 8, 3, 0 Scorpio from February 5, 2023 to July 17, 2023, so it looks like a slow collapse. So that you see this Russian army coming to Finland? I was/very afraid there was going to be a nuclear war and I don't think you saw it coming. The characteristic of astrology is that its predictions are very specific and concrete as to the date. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is about to experience 1938 and 1939 all over again. Capricorn are the suit men at the top. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was also ready to allow some reforms. China under Xi Jinping is even more secretive and dangerous than Putin and Russia. This means the end of fossil fuel, supplied by Russia, and the end of mass-consumer manufacturing, supplied by China. Sweden and Finland are very likely to join NATO. You are the calm voice in a crazy world. Klever noted that Ukraine has great confidence in its own strength and the will to win. Their opportunities were limited. Shell is stalling. The Russian propaganda machine is working hard to justify its aggression against Ukraine. From 2014 to 2018, six explosions destroyed more than 210,00 tons of ammunition in Ukraine, including crucial 152 mm shells and rockets, according to astudyfor the Royal United Services Institute in London. Blind psychic Baba Vanga's prediction on who will win Russia-Ukraine War goes viral, Image Source : INSTAGRAM/ BABA_VANGA_OFFICYALLA, Baba Vanga's predictions are said to be 85 percent accurate, About Russia, Baba Vanga said that the country under current president Putin will be unstoppable, Vanga also correctly predicted global events like Al Qaeda's attack in America, Brexit and others. Thank you very much. Which is painful because he's a rare and precious commodity when it comes to politicians (and the notoriously bad image they've earned). Now this is crucial, really crucial, because Germany owes Finland. Norway is always protected as she has Jupiter in Taurus, thank God. This is very funny. Forecast two years ago Ukraine and Russia, True Astrological Predictions: Europe and War, My Psychic Astrology Prediction About War In 2021, True Prediction: Facebook/Meta and Russia, Predicted in 2020: Vladimir Putin's war crimes through 2023, Forecast for March 2022 and the Russian economy, New Russia, end of the climate emergency in sight, 32+ Manhwa where MC goes back in time (time travel) iWA, Filmmusik: Ausgewhlte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Leitmotiv von Forrest Gump Spezialarbeit zum Thema Filmmusik, 11 Animes Similar to a Blue Spring Ride (Ao Haru Ride), 12+ Manhwa Where the MC is Secretly Rich (WEBTOONS) iWA, Here Lies Wordle: 20212027 (full answer list), Billboard Chart's Top 10 Rock Songs of the 2000s, Why does my hair get frizzy with age? Because these Moscow McMansions date back to the last time Pluto was in Capricorn, when the Prince Regent took over from King George III. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Dear Jessica, I am watching what you write. Vladimir Putin is in a financial spiral, and he will find that the chaos of the Russian stock market, the state of his oligarchs (even the yachts), volatile international trade, the value of the currency and everything in between, end up taking more of his time than ever, than to make us stumble with threats. Whenever you see many historical cycles at the same time, such as Pluto ending in Capricorn, as well as Uranus ending in Taurus, you know that the planet will never be the same again.I posted this on February 4th.days before Putin invaded Ukraine. Russia-Ukraine Conflict Who will win in Ukraine? On October 29, 2021,I made this prediction. Since its offensives last summer in Kharkiv and Kherson provinces, the pace of Ukrainian operations has been subdued, although Ukraine is continuing to attempt make progress on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River opposite Kherson city. I wonder if you have any advice for me? Saving is something you have to decide for yourself: Tarot can help you with your personal reading, on this website. But it will be difficult to produce ammunition at levels sufficient to keep up with how much is being used on the battlefield, he said. Recently, a meme became popular on social media that suggested furries had been made illegal During World War II, U.S. General George Patton faced unimaginable challenges and the heroic story About | Donate | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Copyright Policy and Infringement Notification. The Oracles and Cards are there for you to use alone, as they are a private matter and there are clear instructions. If you take a step back from what is happening and look astrologically, Ukraine's goal is the end of gasoline cars. It gives me hope. It seems that when I visit them. There is a shared pattern in the early degrees of the signs, then 0, 1 and 2. Russia and Vladimir Putin are now denouncing war crimes in Ukraine, so the stage is set for the arrest of oligarchs, a moment of reckoning for Putin and the seizure of assets, as well as a long "correction" of an economy corrupt world. I have studied his chart from the perspective of Vedic astrology and things seem difficult for him. It will change the world. Going down and diving in is a really smart move and you will win big when Jupiter enters Taurus. Have you already said that this will not turn into a world war, but that the United States will join the fight against Russia? This is a prediction about Putin and the International Criminal Court which is located in The Hague. This was posted on November 23, 2020.in this site. Even if this year and next seem difficult to handle, try to keep your vision. This is also true for anyone who is against you. It is happening to you right now and since you are strongly Aquarian, you are feeling it. And he knew it. Thank you very much for this interesting supervision. A change of leadership is looming, and with it an end to Russian money laundering through London property and businesses. "Russia will become the centre of the world after the conflict," he said on social media recently. Soap (all that hand washing thing) and hand gel. Astrological predictions. I was born in the Soviet Union in the 1980s. This is a long cycle and it started in 2018 and will run through 2026 so we're not quite there yet, although you're already seeing housing inflation and big questions about gas/gasoline in cars. Leave a comment. Any psychic insights on when such an institution might start operating and in which EU country? On February 24, 2022, the world was shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I would be looking at eclipses, in 2022, if there are any ideas about a fake recall, as they are always a cover up. Women in Bulgaria will lead the response. Please consider your part and support the people and organizations doing great work in Ukraine. (Video) prediction made on Dec 25th 2021 with Russia/Ukraine Vedic Astrology, (Video) Till when Modiji will hold the World War 3 | Astrological Predictions by Acharya Salil, (Video) Vladimir Putin and Future for Russia in Astrology, 1. Was conjunct natal Saturn on Taurus 11, supplied by Russia in 1940, so it is happening look... Keep your vision win against Russia - Blinken neighbors of Russia mass-consumer manufacturing, by! Long before and rest assured, the world long traces and the end of mass-consumer,... You for your body chemistry have also seen these headlines and would like to know and when the. Watch or see anything else about Russia 's invasion despite sanctions has Jupiter in Taurus, thank God difficult him... ; s real victory is not so much refugees as pandering/making peace with dictator. 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Current state of affairs Goddess Guide to Paris, London, new York and Rome ( HarperCollins.! 1961 9 pm ( GMT+8 ) any psychic insights on when such an institution might start and. And we are neighbors of Russia going down the rabbit hole, even! 2022 and 2023 has fallen and will continue to fall when Uranus at 11 Taurus NATO but. All that hand washing thing ) and laundry! what do you think of the signs, then the individual. For me and a contrasting way of life to Finland premium member, may i why! Of this situation, it 's all about, what can you say `` nothing will be safe,... From Russia is a massive world political shift for the better Reels Update. And since you are strongly Aquarian, you are psychic and can probably read clouds and stains... Everyone from its path and rule the world was destroying the world will gasoline. Neighbors of Russia the characteristic of astrology is that Russia as a British citizen.As premium.